Jacob Appelbaum in Germany

Cari Machet carimachet at gmail.com
Wed Jan 1 09:51:37 PST 2014

I honestly don't think you know enough about the pussy riot actions or Russia to talk about it let alone pass such judgements what are you a time wasting troll ? if not do some research 

Sent from my iPhone

On 01.01.2014, at 17:35, Stephan Neuhaus <stephan.neuhaus at tik.ee.ethz.ch> wrote:

> On 2014-01-01, 00:00, James A. Donald wrote:
>> On 2014-01-01 07:52, Juan Garofalo wrote:
>>> What is a sincere practitioner of civil disobedience?
>> Someone who expects to suffer for his beliefs, and is willing to do
>> so is a sincere practitioner of civil disobedience.
>> [...]
>> In practice, 99% of civil disobedience is Pussy Riot tearing down 
>> someone else's crucifix on someone else's property.  The message is
>> "You have to obey our laws, but we do not have to obey even our own
>> laws".
> I know what you want to say (I think), but I believe that you are
> incorrectly referring to such people as "Pussy Riot". The three
> incarcerated Pussy Riot members have had immensely harsh sentences. They
> called the Putin amnesty that set them free a "PR gag" and convinced at
> least me that they were serious when they said that they would have
> preferred to serve their sentences until the last day.
> Sounds like people "who expect to suffer for their beliefs, and are
> willing to do so" to me.
> Fun,
> Stephan
> PS: If I recall (but I haven't checked), the incident in question was
> singing an anti-Putin song in a church, not "tearing down someone else's
> crucifix on someone else's property", for which they were convicted of
> "rowdyism".

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