Hmm maybe so maybe not Re: "Blackphone" said to be "a super-secure nsa-proof"

stef s at
Sun Jan 19 04:13:58 PST 2014

On Sat, Jan 18, 2014 at 12:16:45PM -0800, gwen hastings wrote:
> we should just stop using loaded language like "NSA Proof" and resting
> on past laurels to assure folks that such is a fact(it isn't).

proof implies 100% security. eh? we all know that that's a unicorn.

>        gh(who is now finally picking up the python language in a serious
> way)

<3 hell yeah, it sometimes pays to be grumpy.

> next will be taking pbp routines and formats and creating a new
> curvep25519 version of type 1 and type 2 remailers with a
> clone in python using Curvep25519 keys to emulate a type 1 reply
> block(have to see what mixminion does for reply-blocks if any)

fantastic. just 2 days ago i hacked an AMM together using pbp. - proper release coming soon. should be
hosted on an .onion address.

> ps2ps: PCP and PBP developers need to make up their collective heads
> about external representation key formats for public keys(I will be
> using pbp as its already in python)

we are off-list in fruitful contact.

> I am kind of dependent on these(key format representations)

pbp is still kinda experimental. but the more users and the more feedback on
key-formats and related stuff gets us faster to stability.

nb: your pgp key is kinda huge due to the embedded jpg of yours, which is
kinda contra-productive, it does not allow visual recognition, but leaks
side-chan information that could be used against you.

pgp fp: FD52 DABD 5224 7F9C 63C6  3C12 FC97 D29F CA05 57EF
otr fp:

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