Swartz, Weev & radical libertarian lexicon (Re: Jacob Appelbaum in Germany - Aaron Swartz)

rysiek rysiek at hackerspace.pl
Tue Jan 7 10:51:36 PST 2014

Dnia wtorek, 7 stycznia 2014 19:36:44 Cari Machet pisze:
> umn i just met u at #30c3 i know who u r so... aaahhh memories...
> names .... ppl... buses ... berlin...  i was making a little joke and
> calling u poland sorry i happen to love poland generally so i like to
> talk about it i guess

AAAAHH! Now I got all the puzzles in my view. OHAI, CARI. :)
/me facepalms hard/

> how do you conclude that aaron was not "hacking" PLEASE EXPLAIN ???????

Well... There are two ways the word "hacking" is used most often.
1. breaking into computer systems and generally doing some computery-evil
2. doing some amazing technical things

So, what Aaron did was in no way fitting the 2., right? He just put a laptop 
in a closet and downloaded stuff.

Neither does it fit 1. -- he did not break any kind of security systems, 
cracked passwords, etc., he just put a laptop on a network that had access to 
these documents and downloaded the documents. That's all.

On a different level, it was indeed consistent with hacker ethos, esp. 
"information wants to be free". But that doesn't mean it was a "hack", in any 
meaning of the word.

Also, inb4 "hacker means X - no, it means Y" shitstorm

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