bitcoin as a global medium of exchange (was Re: Interesting take on Sanjuro's Assassination Market)

Sean Lynch seanl at
Mon Nov 25 21:50:48 PST 2013

On Mon, Nov 25 2013, coderman wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 6:12 PM, David Vorick <david.vorick at> wrote:
>> ...
>> Nobody cares how many petaflops the network is pulling, because the
>> petaflops can't be put to use somewhere else...
>> But if the mining was based on cloud storage, a dramatic drop in the
>> price of the currency would result in a dramatic drop in the cost of
>> storing data on the network.

> i like the idea of "proof of _useful_ work" applied here to storage.
> if only mining had been applied to BOINC, GIMPS, or *@home efforts...

> surely there is prior art?

I just remembered, there is in fact prior art, though it's state of the
art, as in "nearly practical." They're called SNARKs: Succinct
Non-interactive ARguments of Knowledge. You can take any computation and
annotate it sufficiently that whoever runs the computation can generate
a (constant size) proof that they did it correctly in (nearly) constant
time. Andrew Miller posted about it on the Tahoe-LAFS mailing list. See for one implementation.

I'm not sure if you could use this for a Bitcoin-style problem, though,
since I have no idea if the difficulty can be adjusted smoothly. It's
interesting that we can now take ALL computations problems and turn
them into the "easy to verify" variety, however.

Sean Richard Lynch <seanl at>
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