Reject non-PGP mail (was: Re: Who bought off Zimmermann?)

Bill Stewart bill.stewart at
Sun Aug 25 23:14:24 PDT 2013

At 10:24 PM 8/25/2013, Moritz wrote:
>On 26.08.2013 06:12, Bill Stewart wrote:
> > You might be able to run an email service that scans inbound email for an
> >         X-PGP-Encrypted: header, and if it sees "From:" or "Subject:"
> > first,
> > bounces the email with a 503 or 550: "Sorry, Encrypted Email Only, Get
> > PGP at",
>If you're crazy enough to do so, here's a mail filter that rejects
>non-PGP mail. Currently, it simply scans the first 5000 characters for
>"-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----", and, if not there, rejects with a 550.
>We will use it soon for the Tor mail gateway:

Oh, cool.  I was going for more paranoid than that -
if you're an email provider and the NSA has given you an order to
retain all data and rat out all your customers,
theoretically you don't even want to accept that much,
but if it's feeding into Tor or some remailer anyway,
non-PGP mail won't get very far, and you're less likely to be
the kind of service provider who gets NSA/FISA orders.

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