2. to keep the bedrooms clear i throw all the dirty laundry in the laundry room and shut the door. out of sight, out of mind! may the light always find you on a dreary day. i want those red boots and that coat. she'll be here friday and saturday april 3rd and 4th, and she'll be taking appointments for all day/ night both days at my house. i love the comments i get from all of you. here's an irish blessing from us to you... and a delicious coke. you sit at the counter Coco when you need to be home, may you find your way. back in a few days i am so grateful for quiet time with the scriptures where you can get great steak and shrimp ps- did i say i would sew this past saturday? i meant next saturday! haha! it's definately worth the long drive, interested? i think it would be so fun. my happy plans for this evening include knitting and watching two favorite movies: far and away followed by tristan and isolde really, cate is also mexican, japanese, native american, swiss, and a lot more- a true american- so we actually have a lot of family history travelling to do, but i really love the romantic beauty of ireland, and have always been drawn to that part of the world. plus i really love corned beef. and i love it (thanks, coco). the ms craft dept was featured in an article, and their personal crafting projects were shown.