off to the kindergarten valentines day party different boyfriends came and went through all this some i thought i could marry some i was mad at myself for hanging around some that broke my heart i spent a few years calming down my teen angst and attempting to grow up i loved san luis obispo i was ready to chill there for good with that heres the stuff i eat salad with chicken a different salad with chicken repeat repeat this is the hard thing about it not a ton of delicious options im kind of kidding ive found a few other yummy things too well just as we were making preparations to get moving grant was granted that job he wanted right here in utah i guess were staying put (sorry shellie i wanted to live by you and drive to see ray and the beach on weekends real bad) secondly i must say i know carbohydrates arent bad i know bread is life and wheat is the staff of life a lot of fruits and veggies are quite sugary/ starchy for almost everyone eating all these foods in moderation will do them fine but remember i am trying to regulate an abnormality to a diabetic sugar is the devil to someone with celiac disease wheat is the devil to someone with milk allergies dairy is the devel and what ive come to believe that for some women who dont ovulate high blood sugar may be their devil and it definately is mine i do have one faithful companion who is braving the germs penny the pug russell it makes me too happy drawers full of yarn too glorious remember when the weather was warm and we would go to the park when daddy got home from work and we would bring homemade bread and fruit to eat for dinner and we would be drenched in golden light and the cousins would come meet us for some wild rides down the slide from the spring/summer 09 toast catalog the girl loves chocolate milk Quilt kits finally all done it was the first time i realized that things dont always go how you think they will and that it all can turn out better than you imagined like this one for instance my older brother uploaded it while reminiscing about the old buggie he rebuilt in the 80s project 31 is rolling along i have donations for every single item i need for the 31 newborn kits and lots of fabric donations and i will sew until there are 31 baby quilts too thank you SO much i was overwhelmed by the awesome response packages are starting to arrive i will be sure to post some pictures when i get it all together and ready to take to the humanitarian center my heart is happy guess what i finally put in the shop she didnt want to print off her name- signing was a must