isnt life surprising i was laying awake thinking last night about how different my life has gone then what i thought (in a good way) cate and i went through some of the free options around the web for valentines to download and print from anthro i love all the sweet artistically talented bloggers that offer free downloads around holidays for us readers this week i am getting all my ducks in a row so that this weekend i can hole up and sew myself some desperately needed skirts for church and summer but we feel more blessed and amazed than ever at lifes unexpected twists and turns and how happy we are that there is a loving heavenly father that understands the little picture we have in our minds for our lives and gently and lovingly helps us change our vision to a masterpiece i really love life ok its hard to stop i love every song feeling so inspired but i couldnt stop looking at the picture because it shows the place where i played for the first 12 years of my life do you have to be obsessed with yarn and needles and hooks like i am to think that is the most inviting little space youve ever seen secondly i must say i know carbohydrates arent bad i know bread is life and wheat is the staff of life a lot of fruits and veggies are quite sugary/ starchy for almost everyone eating all these foods in moderation will do them fine but remember i am trying to regulate an abnormality to a diabetic sugar is the devil to someone with celiac disease wheat is the devil to someone with milk allergies dairy is the devel and what ive come to believe that for some women who dont ovulate high blood sugar may be their devil and it definately is mine all the sudden im 30 i thought id be driving a mini van full of kids and happily decorating my own home but life has shown me again that i am not in control and as i wait for more children and a sense of being settled cate (incredulously) what were you a child of adam and eve breakfast i always have two eggs and salsa always i dont really get sick of it and it would really stink if i did because theres not a lot out there for breakfast actually when you are at your ideal weight and ovulating regularly you can have any kind of whole grain hot cereal without a problem you know steel cut oats etc i am not quite there yet berries and grapes are pretty low on the glycemic index and i have those too oh and i love cottage cheese with fruit but the commonality between each experience was- it was out of my hands i occasionally fell in love with someone who couldnt be had i occasionally had to run from someone who wouldnt let me go i thought id live there forever one day when i was 12 my dad quit his job and we moved to lake tahoe it rocked my stable world she is my best babysitter for cate she takes turns with me putting cate to bed and being her pillow women who have these hormonal issues typically carry alot of weight around the middle (due to the out of control insulin and resultant too high of testosterone) and a high protein and fiber diet combined with low carbs really helps with that an added benefit is that these types of foods are so filling and you avoid the highs and crashes that people with blood sugar problems live by my problem dear anne is that it is 2009 kids dont like to get all fussied up anymore and i dont think they would go to the trouble of making up stories about lost broaches to be able to go to a silly church picnic in my mind the little girls are wearing spring dresses and holding parasols with their gloved hands while the boys are eating biscuits and drinking homemade rootbeer with their hats and suspenders on but i live in a dreamland where i want everything stylized i know you understand me anne im loving babies & mamas sunshine happy rooms and cool colors