BRITTANY SPEARS IS A LESBIAN! BRITTANY COMES OUT OF THE CLOSET AND HAS SEX WITH JENNA JAMESON AT JENNAS ARIZONA HOUSE! PAPARAZZI RELEASES HIDDEN CAM FOOTAGE OF HER MAKING OUT WITH JENNA JAMESON AT ONE OF HER PORN PARTYS! [1] A crew of paparazzi got a hidden cam into one of Jenna Jamesons adult parties! They have actual footage of Brittany Spears making out with Jenna Jameson.The footage is about 4 minutes long before Jenna closes the window and we can't see any more! The first 4 minutes are unreal! You won't believe how nasty Brittany Really Is! You must watch this click right now, You're never gonna see a hotter lesbian clip than Brittany Spears and Jenna Jameson! Plus you know these rich celebs will sure the paparazzi genius that took this footage and get this footage removed from the internet. Make sure you watch it now before it gets taken down! At the bottom of this mail is a link to a page where you can get your free pass to watch this clip. Once you do and are watching to footage look at the upstairs window on the can see Brittany and Jenna on the couch! Make absolutely sure to save this movie to your computer so you can show your friends. It won't be online for long so make sure you save it! CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO WATCH THE JENNA JAMESON AND BRITTANY SPEARS SEX VIDEO NOW! [2] [c.html?id=45936&noscript=true] This message is in full compliance with U.S. Federal requirements for commercial email under bill S.1618 Title lll, Section 301, Paragraph (a)(2)(C) passed by the 105th U.S. Congress and cannot be considered SPAM since it includes a remove mechanism. Further transmissions by the sender may be stopped at no cost to you by clicking on [3]remove and entring your email address. We practice responsible mailing by honoring all remove requests, following all U.S. laws, and oppose spamming. If you complain and have the remove address closed you are doing a disservice to other receivers of this message since they will have no mechanism to be removed from future mailings. In addition, this message is in strict compliance with U.S. law so if you flame the '' we will report you to your ISP as a SPAMMER, which will result in your account being closed. %s References 1. 2. 3.