I could use a FREE $20,000 loan, could you ?? Follow the very simple instructions below and in a few days you should have around $20,000 as the response rate will be HUGE due to the tiny investment required and the MASSIVE potential. We believe the return rate is currently as good as 70% ! You could do this as often as you liked, I'll explain how simple it is. Log into your paypal account, and send $10 dollars to: NEXT DUE : :- shayneman@cybertime.net Who is currently the next person in line. Select: "service" as payment type and put "Donated" in the subject line. You can open a paypal account (AND get a $5 bonus for doing it !) at https://www.paypal.com/affil/pal=J8YGGHLDT7H2W Next, move this address: PENDING 1:- cherishangel1@hotmail.com up into the "NEXT DUE" slot Now Move This Address: PENDING 2:- lm88013@aol.com To "PENDING 1" Slot and put your own e-mail address into the "PENDING 2" slot. Now send the mail to as many prospects as you possibly can. Having done this once, you'll see how easy it is. ONLY SEND money to the first person on the list. And DON'T cheat ! If Your Attempt to move your Name Up To The Top it will not work. You may get a few dollars But You will not get anywhere near as much as is possible when the rules are followed, it also cheats others out of their due money. Now here is a great Tip: send through bulk email services or Paid To Read Email Lists! Many paid to read email lists allow free member ads. You can find some great deals of one time mailings at bulk mail services. And you can find Some pretty large Opt-In mailing lists that allow you to send email for free every seven days. These are lists that you do not have to send yourself. They are sent through the List providers server. They are not illegal and not considered SPAM as all have opted/agreed to recieve emails. If you find enough of them to send to You could possibly send out to over 30,000 prospects! and let's say you get a low 2% response rate from those 30,000. That's still a heck of alot more then what you put into it! Then those 2% that responded send out another 30,000 with your name in number 2 and they get a 2% response, then those 2% send out another 30,000 emails with only 2% response! That's 90,0000 emails sent to prospects by the time you are in 1st place! With only 3 names in your branch you can expect it to happen VERY quickly ! but you KNOW you will get your 10 dollars back !! That's only ONE reply from around 25000 with your name in "NEXT DUE", isn't it ? What would happen if you mailed 35,000 prospects ? You can do this again, and again, and again........ AGAIN, DO NOT CHEAT. IF YOUR "BRANCH" is BROKEN YOU WONT GET ANYTHING NEAR THE RETURN !! This is not a chain letter. You can refer to title 18, Section 1302 of the Postal and Lottery Code. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ TESTIMONIALS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :- My Second go at it! Last try I got a whopping $10,745. Thats sending out 35,000 emails! I'm sooo excited. Just wish more people would give it a try, then how much would we get??? Wow, boggles the mind. cherishangel1@hotmail.com It's only $10 what can it hurt. :- $10! I'm game ! johannalasell@shaw.ca :- This does work. I signed up and I'm nobody's fool !! Julieg@from-the-couch.co.uk :- I've done one of these before and although I only got $9260 back, for $10 down WOW! Johngold@london-gold.com Lets go for it. I've thrown away more before!! When it works, I will be a happy camper!! stevedeep2@hotmail.com You are receiving this offer because you have provided permission to receive email promotions and special offers. If you feel you have received this in error or wish to be removed from out contact list, just put "Remove" in subject line and click below. Sorry for the inconvenience. [1]Click Here: 2303FmHB4-881ofTy6473DiwF0-579NEfS3106njkr7-317aMnu3721GEGB7-l57 References 1. mailto:ma5s@yahoo.com?subject=Please_Remove