hello i got your e-mail address off of a web site, and i was hoping you could help me crack it, if ya dont feel like helping thats ok. hksqphpkwasyoqgjwwscocgvwtavvgsjhthgpgsjpcwgsfanvkhnsphcp iptsvwggjoaakwqsuvwhahfsqpqwwpksugphjoisqpnhwpqsnpqwfpma iskhkvpwxaighscpwvseovgthjsgpkpfwuskoogvwgsvougqwuacvcsph ihqpgsvpywjgjsgokwtseajvjhwskhopupcauwpvshcswwpggofsgwrgg ocsphtpepcaqwfsfvqhghzsfpp i have no idea how to do it and any help would be appreciated. also if ya do crack it could you tell me what it is and what decription method you used __________________________________________________________________ Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: [1]Click Here References 1. http://g.msn.com/1HM500901/156