As Always, we try our best to hear you.... The information you require... The products and services that interest you and your lifestyle. DNA testing has been a matter that has been brought to our attention in recent months. Some of you wanted access to a scientific laboratory that offers DNA testing at reasonable prices. As usual, we did our homework, and established a relationship with a highly accredited and regarded partner laboratory. Our Partner Diagnostics Center is the largest and most experienced private DNA paternity testing laboratory in the world! Our laboratory is used by most hospitals and attorneys, as well as many US Immigration Departments and Embassies worldwide. In fact, our partner laboratory has performed testing or clients in all 50 states and over 68 countries around the globe! [medsign.gif] Many people utilize DNA testing for many reasons. Usually, to answer an important question. We provide accurate, important answers based on quantifiable DNA scientific data at very reasonable prices - along with great service that makes the entire experience as stress free as possible! Who needs DNA Testing? * A man who wishes definitive, scientific proof of a child's legal parentage. * Someone wanting peace of mind. * A woman seeking child support from a man who is the child's birth father. * A person attempting to win visitation or custody. * A parent going through a divorce. Did you Know? * We can coordinate DNA collections of all parties involved anywhere in the U.S. and abroad (additional costs may apply for shipping outside the U.S.). * Client relationships and test results are strictly confidential and only available to parties involved. * Most courts accept 99.0% as a probability of paternity. We at IDC hold our lab to a higher standard of 99.9% or better to insure accuracy! * More judges in more courtrooms recognize paternity results from our partner laboratory than from any other private paternity testing laboratory. * A doctor's order or a court order is not required to have a DNA paternity test, unless you live in the state of New York. * The prices we have been able to negotiate for DNA testing are lower than most reputable labs offering the same tests! We have seen similar tests priced for as much as $900. Our DNA tests are $390!!! Order now and receive an informative booklet, "DNA AND YOU" absolutely Free! Our DNA tests are $390!!! You get the booklet, "DNA AND YOU" and your Peace of mind absolutely Free! To order or to obtain more information click on the following link: [1] If you would like to be removed from future free offers or opportunities click on the following address and then click on send and you will be immediately removed. [2] References 1. 2. me (DNA)