[clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] [clearpixel.gif] OFFICIAL REVIEW BY WWW.GOLDUC.COM [1][head25.jpg] [whatyouget.gif] Hi, Im Mike Gregory, webmaster/publisher at [2]www.GoldUC.com. This is my OFFICIAL REVIEW of my website hosting company. i1internet.net receives the following marks: HONORABLE? - FAILED! They not only kept my 121$ for a year worth of hosting fees after suddenly revoking their services, but they even refused to release my domain name from their servers! THEN, they began using the home page I worked for months to bring honest prospects to, as a means to slander me and promote their own products! RELIABLE? - FAILED! Not only was the tech support staff rude, they also seemed to know very little more than I did! INTEGRITY? - FAILED! These people had no regard for the fact that my business is just as real and important as theirs, (only I run an honest business) They took the first chance posable to make ME look bad for their profit! CUSTOMER SERVICE? - RUDE! The fork tongued arrogant sissy who seems to be some kind manager there, decided to become a self appointed judge, trial, and jury! Publicly posting his sentence on my businesses front door! CLICK BELOW FOR YOUR OWN ANTI SPAM PAGE ! [3][but2.jpg] )))((( I APOLOGIES TO THE WORLD FOR BEING A HANDICAP DYSLEXIC )))((( [4]CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT READING DISORDERS The internet can make the bussiness world much more accessable to people with disabilities, even someone forced to stay at home can succeed with an internet based business. I overcame many challanges caused by my disability, and devoloped a solid and honest bussiness after months of very hard work and frustration. E-mail marketing is a very powerfull and effective way to advertize a bussiness, if a person requests marketing info, and gets slowly flooded with marketing offers as a result of submiting their address, is that spam? I was recieving thousands of spams per day because of requesting info or signing up for internet services. I have broke no law, and only sent mail to targeted prospects! Once i1internet had hung me on my own page, I lost any controle over who could be viewing my new homepage, this is slander. I feel as though this company should recieve the same sentence, and I also want to warn the public about any products or services that are fraudulent or scams, this is my job as a Bussiness opportunity reviewer. I hope to see you soon at my new website (not up yet) ucgold.org, ucgold is what I ment to signup for anyway, but I got the letters mixed up. THANKYOU, Mike Gregory (A member of the American Handicap Association) Have a happy Thanxgiving! From proud Americans. ....................................................................... .................................................... IN ORDER TO STAY WITHIN THE BOUNDRYS OF THE FEW LAWS REGARDING SPAM, YOU CAN SEND YOUR PERSONAL INQUIRIES REGARDING MY COMPANY, OR SEND REMOVAL REQUESTS TO MY TEMPORARY E-MAIL ADDRESS AT [5]AMF909UC1@YAHOO.COM. AND YOU WILL BE REMOVED IN 24 HOURS (PUT REMOVE IN THE SUBJECT LINE). IF YOU SUPPORT ME AND GET SICK OF FLIMSY HOSTING COMPANYS TAKING ADVANTAGE OF DISABLED PEOPLE, DIRECT YOUR OPPINION TO [6]TECHSUPPORT@I1INTERNET.NET Please remind your friends and loved ones that the internet is a great place until you get caught in the scam part of it! FORWARD THIS LETTER TO ANYONE YOU KNOW OR WANT TO, THANX! References 1. http://www.GoldUC.com/ 2. http://www.GoldUC.com/ 3. http://www.golduc.com/ 4. http://www.makoa.org/index.html 5. mailto:AMF909UC1@YAHOO.COM. 6. mailto:TECHSUPPORT@I1INTERNET.NET