The LEA's who accompanied my Parole Officer on her visit to my residence today performed an illegal search of the room of another resident of the house in which I live. Given the fact that the visit was a result of LEA monitoring of the CPUNX list, list members should be aware that their participation in the list may expose them to similar illegal intrusions by government agents. However, those with the financial resources to defend their constitutional rights and civil liberties probably do not need to be overly worried, since, in all likelihood, the LEA's illegal trampling on my neighbor's constitutional rights was simply a matter of their perception that somebody living in a low-rent shithole would not be in a position to cause them any grief over their illegal actions. Have A Nazi Day, CJ Parker <[1]> [2] [3] [4] [5] References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.