[LogoAnimation.gif] [Referee.gif] [Point.gif] [EMBED] [1]Case Study 2000 [2]Screen Shots and Details [3]Official Site [4]Unsubscribe [Column_TL.gif] [1X1Blue.gif] [Column_TR.gif] [BTN_WhatYouGet.gif] [Bullet.gif] Increased traffic to your web site. [Bullet.gif] Complete control over banner revenues. [Bullet.gif] Database of players when game is complete. [Bullet.gif] Complete administrative access to control your game’s banners, players, prizes, colors, etc. [BTN_YourInvestment.gif] [Bullet.gif] $50.00 Setup/Commitment Fee [Bullet.gif] $0.10 per player/month Special discount valid until 08-27-2001 [Bullet.gif] Weekly Prizes [Bullet.gif] Marketing your individual version of "Your Football Challenge". __________________________________________________________________ If you are interested in using this application on your website [5][ContactUs.gif] Chaney Systems Inc. [6]www.YourFootballChallenge.com Phone: 262-679-6000 e-mail: [7]marketing@ yourfootballchallenge.com [Column_BL.gif] [1X1Blue.gif] [Column_BR.gif] [Takle.gif] THIS IS THE ONLINE, TRAFFIC GENERATING, WEB APPLICATION YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! It's not too late - we can hook your website up in minutes!! [TL_Corner.gif] [1X1.gif] [TR_Corner.gif] [1X1.gif] What is Your Football Challenge? Your Football Challenge is an on-line game based on the old "office football pool". You pick the winning weekly teams and give each game a confidence ranking. Here are some key reasons WHY "Your Football Challenge" works: * Players play for FREE. * "Your Football Challenge" is truly yours. You can use your own logos, imaging and colors on the interface. * Players must go to your site first to logon. * The more players you have: + The more banners are worth. + The more traffic on your site. * You can e-mail your players whenever you want and personalize the e-mail. * You can choose to sell your own banners and keep all the revenue or we can sell the banners and share the revenue with you. * The game lasts from September 2001 to January 2001 (17 weeks). [1X1.gif] [BL_Corner.gif] [1X1.gif] [BR_Corner.gif] A member of our marketing & research team was visiting your website and noticed the potential for our application to be used on it. If you do not wish to receive future e-mail from us, you may unsubscribe from this mailing list by clicking the link below. [8]click to unsubscribe References 1. http://www.yourfootballchallenge.com/casestudy/casestudy.asp 2. http://www.yourfootballchallenge.com/ScreenShots/Screenshots1.asp 3. http://www.YourFootballChallenge.com/ 4. mailto:leave-yfc@yourfootballchallenge.com 5. http://www.yourfootballchallenge.com/Marketing/YFC_Contact.asp 6. http://www.yourfootballchallenge.com/ 7. mailto:marketing@yourfootballchallenge.com 8. mailto:leave-yfc@yourfootballchallenge.com