I sincerely apologize if you are receiving this e-mail in error. I have been taking an herbal formula for 10 months and it has saved my family and my life. Because of this I have made a commitment to get the word out on this life-changing product, so that it will be available to everyone. My name is Dana Hampton. I'm a married 37-year-old mother of 4 who was a happy size 7 before my first child and who grew 4 dress sizes larger by my fourth pregnancy. It's amazing how long you can avoid dealing with a problem that you simply don't want to face up to. I didn't like the way I looked and I didn't like the way I felt. I was at the point where I just didn't want to live and have to face another day. I WAS SICK OF BEING FAT! I FELT THAT I OWED IT TO MY HUSBAND, MY FOUR CHILDREN, AND MYSELF TO MAKE ONE MORE ATTEMPT AT WEIGHT LOSS. I have researched and tried many weight loss programs during my " yo-yo dieting" years. I did Slim Fast, Cybervision, Atkins, soup diets, starvation, "exercise and eat no fat," chromium picolinate, metabolic enhancers, and more. You name it, I tried it! I lost some pounds with every diet, but eventually gained them back, usually with a few extra pounds. On every one of those diets, I lost energy, and eventually had to eat a lot to feel better. I was grouchy with a short fuse. This even happened during the diet where I exercised and ate less with only low-fat foods, the better-known "right way" to lose weight. I'm sure losing weight that way works OK for many people, but it just didn't work very well for me. It seemed my metabolism froze, and I was going to stay at that weight forever, but I wanted to look better and be healthy. I was very depressed and disappointed. I dieted on and off, but got nowhere. The weight kept returning. I suddenly realized just how difficult this weight problem had really become. Now I understood why so many people have the same problem. I almost gave up. Then, I remembered something I heard from old my friend Janie. She told me about a company who makes a nutritionally-engineered weight loss product, which ACCELERATES WEIGHT LOSS. It was developed by European Scientists and had been kept a secret for years, UNTIL NOW. Scientists from an American Nutriceutical company met up with their top scientist and brought the secret here. It is a unique product, called BerryTrim Plus, and NO OTHER PRODUCT HAS THESE INGREDIENTS. It sounded too good to be true. I didn't want to get all hyped up about some new program, and I didn't want to add one more diet to my failure list. What really made me decide to try it were all the testimonials I read on their web site, written by so many Doctors, Celebrities, and people like you and me. I called for my 30-day supply and was so amazed when only after the first 3 days, I began to experience a sense of "well being" - something I hadn't felt for months, maybe years. I felt ENERGIZED, not to mention my sugar/chocolate cravings were absolutely gone! I COULD NOT BELIEVE THE DIFFERENCE I FELT! I began to hope again - maybe I could lose this old weight. I gave this pursuit up months before and had boxed up my smallest clothes to give away! After 5 weeks of BerryTrim Plus I had already lost 10 inches off my hips and thighs and, OH JOY! I FINALLY SEE MY WAIST LINE! Not to mention, THE SCALE WAS ACTUALLY SPINNING BACKWARDS AND SHOWING A TREMENDOUS WEIGHT LOSS! THE BEST PART IS, I DIDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT THE WAY I ATE, WHAT I ATE, OR ADD AN EXERCISE ROUTINE TO MY DAILY REGIMEN. ALL I DID WAS USE THE PRODUCT, AND THE WEIGHT SIMPLY CAME OFF EASILY AND SAFELY! THAT'S IT. Well, now today I'm 4 dress sizes & 7 jean sizes smaller + 26 inches are gone! I FEEL ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL! I really wish I could show you how I looked 10 months ago compared to how I look now. The differences are unbelievable. I recently traveled and when I had to show a picture I.D. at the airport for security reasons, the airline agent asked for "another" form of picture I.D. because my driver's license picture doesn't look like me anymore! It's kind of embarrassing receiving all of the compliments about how " great I look" now. It's even more embarrassing to mention it. But they keep coming. The greatest compliment I got was from my husband, Recently, he told me, "Olivia, you really look great, you look like the young girl I kissed at our wedding." I said, "WHAT?" He told me that I "looked younger". He said my face looked especially younger, "you look like the real you!" It was true, just like everything I had read about the product. It all came true! That was a first for any weight loss program I had ever tried. The changes that took place were both subtle and obvious. Here are some of them: MY ATTITUDE IMPROVED I HAVE LESS TENSION AND ANXIETY RELATIONSHIPS WITH MY FAMILY IMPROVED QUALITY OF MY SLEEP IMPROVED I NOW SLEEP THROUGH THE ENTIRE NIGHT I HAVE GREATER ENERGY COMPULSIVE EATING DECREASED CRAVINGS FOR SWEETS DECREASED I HAVE LESS FREQUENT HOT FLASHES NO LONGER DRINK CAFFEINE THROUGHOUT THE DAY NO LONGER SLEEP FOR HOURS IN THE AFTERNOONS NO LONGER EXPERIENCE DISCOMFORT WITH MOVEMENT. I feel better now than I've felt in years. Thanks to BerryTrim Plus and Janie, who introduced me to it. I invite you to try it for 30-days. I promise you'll be calling for more soon after!" Look, if you want to try out this product, it can change your life. If you don't want to, that's OK too. At least find some way to lose weight that works for you. Your life will change after you lose the weight. Many people won't try it because they won't believe it. Unfortunately, with all the marketing and scams out there, we all have to be skeptical. If I tried to hand out fifty dollar bills on a city sidewalk, most people would not take it because they would think it was some kind of trick. This is not a trick. It worked for me. Whether you need to take off five pounds or five hundred, this will help you do it in a healthy way. The company has a 60-day money-back guarantee, and I called to check on that. They get practically no returns and 92% re-orders. That says it all if you ask me. You order directly from the company and use a credit card. Their link is at the end of this story. , Click through this website thoroughly and marvel over what this amazing product has done for so many people like you and me! I can assure you that I would not publicly put my credibility on the line unless everything I have told you here was 100% true. So, do take a look at the many success stories from others who have gained better health, improved their relationships, and of course, lost weight and are keeping it off for good. The testimonials speak for themselves. And if you decide this is something you are willing to try - GO FOR IT!!!!! You won't be sorry. Do take the time to read them. Many are more AMAZING than my own! Click here to read many of the success stories. [1]CLICK HERE Thank you for your patience and interest. God Bless, Dana Hampton This message is brought to you by BerryTrim Affiliate# 3b2eaac90544da44 To be removed reply with REMOVE in the subject line. References 1. http://fdsg.crazycradle.com/index0618.html