[mail_header.jpg] Personalized Offer Listing New Offers related to your expressed areas of interest have been posted at [1]www.salvagesale.com. Please click the offer title to view the photos and description. Title Quantity Sale Type Location [2]Ferric Chloride 40% Solution 100 Drums bidExchange Alvin TX, USA Please submit your bids as soon as possible at [3]www.salvagesale.com or contact us at [4]customercare@salvagesale.com or (713) 546-9999 for assistance. To remove yourself from this email list, or change your email preferences, please click the link below. [5]My Email Preferences References 1. http://www.salvagesale.com/ 2. http://www.salvagesale.com/showoffer.asp?offerid=8514&logid=28 3. http://www.salvagesale.com/ 4. mailto:customercare@salvagesale.com 5. http://www.salvagesale.com/remove.cfm?MPC=32104&source=COMMERCIAL