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[45]Professional Wild-Eyed Visionary writes: "Intel has developed a new CMOS chip technology that cranks out 10Ghz, 400 million transistors per chip, with each transistor only 3 atoms thick, previously thought impossible. See story at [46]Dial Electronics " While this story's rather fluffy, it makes it sound like Intel is a few years ahead of it's earlier projection of [47]reaching 10Ghz by 2005. Of course, maybe they meant integrated into actual chips;) (in which case 2005 still sounds nice). < [48]OS X Won't Be Fully Functional On March 24th Slashdot Login Nickname: ____________________ Password: ____________________ userlogin Don't have an account yet? [49]Go Create One. A user account will allow you to customize all these [50]nutty little boxes, tailor the stories you see, as well as remember your comment viewing preferences. Related Links [51]Slashdot [52]Intel [53]Professional Wild-Eyed Visionary [54]Dial Electronics [55]reaching 10Ghz by 2005 [56]More on Intel [57]Also by timothy '[58]Intel Claims 10Ghz Transistor' | [59]Login/Create an Account | 11 comments | [60]Search Discussion Threshold: [1: 6 comments__] [Threaded___][Oldest First_________________] Change Reply The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. Slashdot is not responsible for what they say. saturday morning cartoons sunday morning vaporware (Score:1) by linzeal on Sunday March 04, @08:43AM EST ([61]#1) ([62]User #197905 Info) [63]http://www.anarchsforlife.org/ I may be a little crazy but is it just me or are vaporware stories a sunday feature now ? [64]Give free help to pregnant women who need it [ [65]Reply to This | [66]Parent ] 10Ghz transister, not CPU! (Score:2) by [67]stripes (stripes at eng dot us dot uu dot net) on Sunday March 04, @08:51AM EST ([68]#7) ([69]User #3681 Info) [70]http://www.eng.us.uu.net/staff/stripes/ A 10Ghz transister can only make a 10Ghz CPU if each pipeline stage (plus sync overhead) is only a single transister. Which is pretty impossable (a simple flip flop is several transistors, an adder is a big pile of them). As I recall the failed 500Mhz PowerPC that some compony like "eXponential" was making was thought to be extreamly aggressave with only 50 or so transitor delays between pipe stages (and some pipe stages were mostly wire delay to get the signals from one part of the chip to another!). Or maybe I'm confusing that with sombody or others barrel processer style MediaCPU (also out of bisness). Tiny transistors are wonderflu. Tiny fast transistors are more wonderful. But 10Ghz transistors are no where close to letting you make a 10Ghz CPU. In fact it might be slower then current state of the art (but smaller). Something in this story doesn't add up. [ [71]Reply to This | [72]Parent ] * [73]Re:10Ghz transister, not CPU! by keesh (Score:1) Sunday March 04, @08:54AM EST moore's law (Score:1) by [74]n3m6 (n3m6@dont.spam.me.usa.net) on Sunday March 04, @08:52AM EST ([75]#8) ([76]User #101260 Info) [77]http://www.geocities.com/n3m6 ?As our researchers venture into uncharted areas beyond previously expected limits of silicon scaling, they find Moore?s Law still intact.? don't worry they are not going to roll out 10ghz tommorrow night .. Early to rise and early to bed makes a male healthy and wealthy and dead. James Thurber (1894 - 1961) B [ [78]Reply to This | [79]Parent ] This is definitely vapour (Score:1) by whanau on Sunday March 04, @08:52AM EST ([80]#9) ([81]User #315267 Info) Intel realise that they are no longer the kings of the chip game. With their recent P4 release being a total failure, it is only a matter of time before AMD takes over their current position in the market. Releasing this kind of "news" only shows that they are simply trying to play the pr game, rather than actually focusing on proper R and D like AMD and Transmeta [ [82]Reply to This | [83]Parent ] Cosmic rays? (Score:1) by [84]FTL (neil(at)vv.carleton.ca) on Sunday March 04, @08:54AM EST ([85]#10) ([86]User #112112 Info) [87]http://vv.carleton.ca/~neil/ We normally think of cosmic rays as something that [88]causes bit rot (though in practice it's alpha particles). In a chip that has transistors only 3 atoms thick, would this radiation cause physical damage instead? If so, we'd need to think about employing a lossy grid of gates, so that a few failures don't kill the processor. -- All hands abandon ship. Repeat, all hands ab... 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