PhotoPoint - MarketPlace News Welcome to MarketPlace News Add Photos and Save $10 In The MarketPlace [1]Get Snap Happy - Save $10 When you add 15 photos to your albums before January 15th, you'll save $10 on your next MarketPlace purchase. [2]More info Once you've added your photos, there are LOTS of great things you can do: photos Arrange your family photos into albums, add captions, and then send out email invitations to your loved ones. Order prints of your favorite pictures, send them as postcards, or put them on mugs or T-shirts to create a unique and personal gift. Make one-minute movies with up to 24 photos from your albums. Send personalized e-greetings to your friends. Display your favorite photos with our wide selection of frames. Make a Holiday Movie [3]3...2...1... Showing off your holiday photos has never been so much fun. Not only can you make a unique photo movie using up to 24 of your digital images, now you can add a favorite holiday song. [4]Find out how easy it is. If you don't want to receive MarketPlace News in the future please [5]unsubscribe here. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.