[1]SmartGroups An invitation fairyisis (fairyisis@hotmail.com) has invited you to join the Power Promotion SmartGroup. Joining To join the group and see the calendar of events, documents, pictures, questionnaires and group emails [2][clickhere.gif] to register on the web - OR - Send a reply to this message if you only want to see the group emails. The following terms and conditions apply: [3]http://www.smartgroups.com/text/en/legal.cfm What is SmartGroups.com? SmartGroups.com is an effective tool for group communication. Each group has its own email address allowing members to post and receive messages from the group, as well as a calendar, an area for storing group documents, a voting facility and even its own database area. Managers of SmartGroups.com can customise the group's home page, and turn functionality on or off to suit their requirements. If you'd like to learn more about SmartGroups.com generally, you can [4]take the tour. Unsubscribing Once you join the group, if you decide to leave, you can do so either from the group's homepage or by sending an email to [5]powerpromotion-unsubscribe@smartgroups.com. Yours sincerely The SmartGroups.com Team References 1. http://www.smartgroups.com/index.cfm? 2. http://www.smartgroups.com/joingroup?gid=313442&p=4tbk6d9t&u=5154977 3. http://www.smartgroups.com/text/en/legal.cfm 4. http://www.smartgroups.com/tour/tour.cfm 5. mailto:powerpromotion-unsubscribe@smartgroups.com