"...It blows my mind that these VC guys, who spent 20 years blathering about Ayn Rand capitalism, don't just admit that they live and work in a stagnant monopoly. What a bunch of limp-wristed sissies these captains of industry turned out to be, all these swaggering mercenaries so eager to punch out the bureaucrats in the free market. They're a race of slaves! They're like deer in the market's headlights, they creep around like mice." funny talk from bruce Sterling. [1]http://www.viridiandesign.org/notes/301-350/00325_open_source_speech .[2]html References 1. http://www.viridiandesign.org/notes/301-350/00325_open_source_speech.html 2. http://www.viridiandesign.org/notes/301-350/00325_open_source_speech.html