Title: The True Story of the Internet Part II The True Story of the InterNet Part III InfoWar Final Frontier of the Digital Revolution Behind the ElectroMagnetic Curtain by TruthMonger Copyright 1997 Pearl Publishing InfoWar Table of Contents Epilogue d'Shauneaux Epilogue Gomez surveyed the wreckage with a discerning eye, before turning toward the mountains in the distance and fixing upon them with a penetrating stare that burned like a laser toward the chief target of his hatred, wherever they might be. "They are finished." he said, with certainty, turning to the Commander of his Dark Forces, and instructing him, "Now finish them!" d'Shauneaux Except that you have spent literally a lifetime involved in a world of shadows, where even those things which are not done with mirrors are resonating indeterminately and obliquely, then you have little hope of ever recognizing the true depth to which the world you live in is ruled by secrecy, subterfuge and intrigue. Unless, of course, you are a follower of an ancient sage named Dilbert, and are steeped in the history and lore of Office Politics, in which case you undoubtedly already have all of the tools you need to understand what I am about to tell you. (And could probably even teach an old dog-foot soldier such as myself a few new tricks.) The lineage of the Author, as well as those of d'Shauneaux and Rom Dos, were each given information on a basis, not of 'need to know,' but more along the lines of 'need to figure out.' (That's 'decrypt' or 'decipher' for you CypherPunks.) The reason for this was that, at the time of the formation of the Circle of Eunuchs, the Evil One not only had his tentacles spread throughout society in general, and the computer industry, in particular, but had also made great progress in 'encrypting' Reality, so to speak. Even the Magic Circle did not fully realize the extent or import of this for quite some time, but they did recognize that they were playing 'catch-up' and needed not only to learn from the past, but also to reach toward the future. The Circle of Eunuchs, not being restrained by the need for absolute control and coordination of their efforts, as the Dark Allies were, made an astounding amount of penetration into the highest levels of the computer industry, in a short period of time. The individuals involved, working on their own or in small guerrilla cells, were able to 'move camp' at an instant's notice, changing the direction and focus of their entire career, if need be, which was of great benefit in such a quickly burgeoning technology. Despite their astounding success in placing their ersatz players in the midst of some of the most sensitive arenas of Gomez's grand technological game, the Circle of Eunuchs knew that they lacked possession of the key that would unlock the doors of deceit and allow them to expose the malfeasance underlying the technology that was increasingly ruling both the bodies and minds of all mankind. Then, something extraordinary happened A no-name individual who would have had to raise his station in life in order to become known as a bit-player in the computer arena suddenly became the target of a full-scale attack by the Dark Forces over a seemingly insignificant program called Pretty Good Privacy. Phil Zimmerman "The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre" "WebWorld & the Mythical Circle of Eunuchs" "InfoWar (Part III of 'The True Story of the InterNet') Soviet Union Sickle of Eunuchs Secret WebSite