Title: The True Story of the InterNet The True Story of the InterNet Part II WebWorld & the Mythical 'Circle of Eunuchs' by Arnold Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 Pearl Publishing Appendix History: Part I of "The True Story of the InterNet," entitled, "The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre" was written by the Author, but left incomplete by his unexpected death. The Epilogue to Part I was written by Bubba D'Shauneaux. Part II of "The True Story of the InterNet" was completed in what might be called "finished-outline form" by the Author before his death, with copius notes left behind as to the nature of "moving events" which would need to be addressed ad hoc during the release of the manuscript. The manuscript was completed as a group effort by the individuals who form the core of characters who are the protagonists in Part II. Non-Disclaimer: Although many of the events (and some of the characters) contained in the manuscripts which comprise "The True Story of the InterNet" are allegorical, all references to the activities and events in the Author's life, up to the date of publication, are based totally on verifiable fact. Although some of the events and connections attributed to the Author may seem outlandish or contrived, rest assured that they are not considered to be so by those who actually knew him. He lived a life which was unusual, to say the least, and absolutely no embellishment was, or is, needed, in order to to make his personal story more compelling or realistic. InterNet/WWW Hosting of "True Story of the InterNet" Manuscripts: The manuscripts may be placed on any InterNet or Worldwide Web Site without restriction, as long as they remain intact, with all appropriate credits and copyrights, and it is done for non-profit purposes only. Those hosting the manuscripts may, if they wish, adjoin their own additions to the remaining space in the WebWorld Chapter 25 Stego (hopefully doing so within the theme of the work). All additions shall be deemed to be covered under Pearl Publishing's copyright of the manuscript. Acknowledgments: A wide variety of individuals have worked toward the completion and dissemination of the "True Story of the InterNet" manuscripts since the beginning of their release in 1989. To date, none of them have asked for acknowlegment, in any way, shape, or form. While there may be cynics who maintain that this may be due to the multitude of problems sometimes experienced by those whose participation in the release of the manuscripts has become known, or suspected, my personal perception is that the people involved are quite simply acting out of what they see as a need for the manuscripts to be given exposure, regardless of the level of reception the works receive. Acknowlegments are in order, however, for those who make it worthwhile for those involved in the dissemination of the manuscripts to give their time and effort in this cause. And who is it that makes the effort worthwhile? It is the individual who is beset by the same trials and tribulations as the average person, but who nevertheless strives to rise above the hardship and discrimination that results from swimming against the tide of humanity currently being swept along by the dark forces who direct and control both the mediums through which we communicate with one another and the societal and legislative regulations which govern those mediums. It is the individual who fights against the constant barrage of information and disinformation, at every turn, which seeks to mold them into a small cog in a collective, subservient mindset that worships the ten-second sound byte, the party line, and the group reality. It is the individual who struggles to maintain a private island of intellect, rationality and integrity, in the face of seemingly overwhelming forces which struggle daily to subdue him or her, and bring them into subjection to the enemy of all humanity-robotic acceptance of an unlimited authority which claims to have the right to exercise dominion over the rights, freedoms, and personal conscience of the individual. These individuals are scattered across the face of the earth-alone, in small groups, throughout networks of people who work in concert, and in the secret places, working furtively, in constant fear of discovery by those who are threatened by their ideals and their actions. Those involved in the dissemination of Part II of "The True Story of the InterNet" have agreed that acknowledgment for the distribution of "WebWorld & The Mythical Circle of Eunuchs" should go to those who currently manifest many of the qualities of the Author's allegorical "Magic Circle." The CypherPunks. Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 17:53:57 -0700 (PDT) From: Majordomo@toad.com Members of list 'cypherpunks-unedited': jya@pipeline.com slater@cryogen.com sd8995@slecrs2.sbc.com serw30@laf.cioe.com wmono@direct.ca toto@sk.sympatico.ca reece-cpunks-raw@nceye.net zachb@netcom.com ward@mls1.HAC.COM dm+cypherpunks-unedited@amsterdam.lcs.mit.edu paul@fatmans.demon.co.uk mgursk1@umbc.edu arpalists+listserv.cypherpunks-unedited@andrew.cmu.edu camcc@abraxis.com pegasus@petronet.net emc@wire.insync.net perun!cypherpunks-unedited@uu.psi.com vincent@psnw.com spook@nosuchagency.com robc@xmission.com security@aurora.intercode.com.au stend+cypherpunks-unedited@sten.tivoli.com mehling@ibm.net pierre@rahul.net bdolan@USIT.NET blackavr@crowncollege.com m1tca00@FRB.GOV blackavr@aa.net unsound@oz.net cypherpunks-unedited@mejl.com glenn@lust.bio.uts.edu.au das@sgi.com IML-cypherpunks@i405.com apache@quux.apana.org.au cypherpunks@cyberpass.net wardemon@erols.com apb@iafrica.com cypherpunks+incoming-toad@algebra.com sergey@el.net canthony@info-nation.com prins@holmes.nl avan@csd.uwm.edu same@ori.hitachi-sk.co.jp cp@draper.net darekl@ii.pb.bialystok.pl lbennett@accessone.com apoulter@nyx.net adam@homeport.org matus1@concentric.net hua@chromatic.com mma@info.fundp.ac.be glibert@hotmail.com mauricio@stm400.embratel.net.br floyd@magma.del.ufrj.br thomson@max-net.com bomber@globalpac.com mcnellis@lucent.com masterzero@juno.com wmalik@sdnpk.undp.org listarch@calvo.teleco.ulpgc.es jonathan@gaw.net jesaxman@eos.ncsu.edu tan@mss.es mckinney@mnsinc.com segfault@pdq.net stokely@beacondesign.com jadams@seahawk.navy.mil FURCONC@centocor.com ciko@pub.osf.lt chrisd@loc201.tandem.com jim.burnes@ssds.com axel@omp-paderborn.de pristine2@health.gov.au ggdla@westminster.ac.uk ybaudoin@touchtechnology.com zinja@perseus.fho-emden.de kenny_austin@juno.com mrb@videotron.ca iluminaut@tex-is.net xdat11@email.mot.com ponder@mail.irm.state.fl.us cmcurtin@research.megasoft.com jeremiah@northnet.org spectre@nac.net UAP-S_Jay_Haines@united-ad.com segfault@wt.net derek@usfca.edu eran@sci.fi bdurham@swbell.net Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 20:06:58 -0500 From: Majordomo@Algebra.Com Members of list 'cypherpunks': ichudov@algebra.com pdh@best.com toto@sk.sympatico.ca dlv@bwalk.dm.com serw30@laf.cioe.com markm@voicenet.com paul@fatmans.demon.co.uk apb@iafrica.com zachb@netcom.com roym@iol.ie lharrison@mhv.net zahn@berlin.snafu.de reece-cpunks@nceye.net blizzard@AppliedTheory.com mycroft@actrix.gen.nz scottst@ionet.net miner333@dogbert.xroads.com osborne@gateway.grumman.com Dan.Oelke@rdxsunhost.aud.alcatel.com rkluge@nunic.nu.edu bart@netcom.com godless@mindspring.com root@bushing.plastic.crosslink.net arino@pd.shiseido.co.jp jbaber@mi.leeds.ac.uk snow@smoke.suba.com landon_dyer@wayfarer.com cpbrown@linus.mitre.org mwohler@ix.netcom.com Christine.M.Silker-1@tc.umn.edu alan@ctrl-alt-del.com mgursk1@umbc.edu carolann@censored.org rmtodd@servalan.servalan.com codehead@ix.netcom.com geeman@best.com rab@stallion.oz.au dave.hodgins@westonia.com privsoft@ix.netcom.com raymond@wcs.net bal@martigny.ai.mit.edu agarcia@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM vin@shore.net cynthb@sonetis.com harka@nycmetro.com incoming-cypherpunks@cisco.com Theodor.Schlickmann@bxl.dg13.cec.be jk@stallion.ee cminter@mipos2.intel.com wmono@direct.ca srp3651@rsws24.ca.boeing.com kszczypi@tele.pw.edu.pl sdudar@solutions.net cypher@infinity.nus.sg rich@cause-for-alarm.com cypherpunks@supra.rsch.comm.mot.com rsedc@urgento.gse.rmit.EDU.AU franl@world.std.com Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 03:52:30 -0700 (PDT) From: Majordomo@sirius.infonex.com Members of list 'cypherpunks': loki@obscura.com pdh@best.com jeffb@issl.atl.hp.com stonedog@ns1.net-gate.com rah@shipwright.com wombat@mcfeely.bsfs.org omegam@cmq.com stewarts@ix.netcom.com apache@quux.apana.org.au mnorton@cavern.uark.edu froomkin@law.miami.edu kdolan@capcon.net abrouard@infinet.com cpx@sobolev.rhein.de attila@primenet.com luther@ucr.campus.mci.net krs@caos.aamu.edu codehead@ix.netcom.com A.Back@exeter.ac.uk rnh2@ix.netcom.com svmcguir@syr.edu vznuri@netcom.com sdn@divcom.umop-ap.com cypherpunks@supra.rsch.comm.mot.com zim@eskimo.com dsmith@prairienet.org mpd@netcom.com eallensmith@mbcl.rutgers.edu whgiii@amaranth.com das@sgi.com david@coe.woodbine.md.us wcampbel@peganet.com camcc@abraxis.com jgrasty@gate.net sporter@acm.org wtfxston@netcom.com janke@unixg.ubc.ca grafolog@netcom.com cmckie@ottawa.com davidlu@sco.com bryce@digicash.com asgaard@cor.sos.sll.se gbroiles@netbox.com hayden@krypton.mankato.msus.edu jschultz@mail.coin.missouri.edu minow@apple.com dockmaster@pobox.com E.C.C.Sheedy@research.kpn.com jack_flap@hotmail.com sebago@earthlink.net fabrice@math.Princeton.EDU tcmay@got.net wfgodot@iquest.com jya@pipeline.com sl@pobox.com cypherpunk@rosa.com tirevold@mindspring.com frissell@panix.com trei@process.com foodie@netcom.com mclow@mailhost2.csusm.edu IML-cypherpunks-new@i405.com e875836@popcorn.llnl.gov jimbell@pacifier.com take@barrier-free.co.jp list-cp@sendai.scytale.com cdaemon@goblin.punk.net yuri@ANST.com mlm@isbank.is jeremym@r56h159.res.gatech.edu kqb@whscad1.wh.lucent.com weidai@eskimo.com eric@clever.net in5y113@public.uni-hamburg.de kingle@cisco.com lwp@mail.msen.com janzen@idacom.hp.com malcolm.miles@tegan.apana.org.au dshipman@ewol.com real@freenet.edmonton.ab.ca hollyg@exchange.microsoft.com ariel@watsun.cc.columbia.edu jleppek@hisd.harris.com Ed-Ferguson@ti.com cypherpunks-gate@abraham.cs.berkeley.edu jeremey@veriweb.com sunder@beast.brainlink.com txporter@mindspring.com pierre@rahul.net lucyc@suite.sw.oz.au spook@nosuchagency.com drake@cais.com declan@pathfinder.com die@die.com ericm@lne.com hal@rain.org roberte@mulberry.com E.J.Koops@kub.nl cts@deltanet.com demo@offshore.com.ai shamrock@netcom.com jehill@w6bhz.calpoly.edu waynec@clipper.csc.UVic.CA tangent@alt255.com cypherpunks-incoming@ai.mit.edu gendara@ns.pan.gbm.net abd@cdt.org agrapa@banamex.com jarobin@comp.uark.edu Kevin.L.Prigge-2@tc.umn.edu cpunks-mtg@menelaus.mit.edu steve@miranova.com djphill@umich.edu junger@upaya.multiverse.com wmono@direct.ca 0005514706@mcimail.com mkljones@cris.com ggoessle@ensibm.imag.fr jad@dsddhc.com cypherpunks-gw@replay.com frantz@netcom.com shadow@count04.mry.scruznet.com pjm@spe.com enystrom@aurora.nscee.edu dgilx@mindspring.com wesf@mail.utexas.edu tien@well.com johnd@pathfinder.com azur@netcom.com C.Ooi@etc.com.au williamd@bose.com isbe@earthling.net hjk@ddorf.rhein-ruhr.de dimitris@alien.bt.co.uk declan@eff.org willday@rom.oit.gatech.edu baby-x@slowdog.com greg@ideath.parrhesia.com nexus@eskimo.com reusch@pluto.njcc.com cabeen@netcom.com rhornbec@counsel.com RWright@adnetsol.com braun@tunl.duke.edu daron@idirect.com lists+anon.cypherpunks@chardos.connix.com pooh@efga.org srenfro@silvix.sirinet.net ppomes@Qualcomm.com gate@mogul.oit.gatech.edu unicorn@schloss.li hanabusa@bnn-net.or.jp p-paris@worldnet.fr bubba@dev.null tz@execpc.com toto@sk.sympatico.ca Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 19:06:35 -0500 From: Majordomo@einstein.ssz.com Members of list 'cypherpunks': No listing returned: Check at 525 Barton Springs Road, Austin, Texas. Patron Saints of "The True Story of the InterNet": Lao Tsu Che Guerva Marshall McLuhan Phillip Zimmerman Hughes, Gilmore & May The Reader Appendix / "WebWorld & The Mythical Circle of Eunuchs" / Part II "The True Story of the InterNet"