<nettime> Decentralizing the Internet So Big Brother Canbt Find You

Praveen A pravi.a at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 07:45:19 PST 2011

2011/2/19 nettime's avid reader <nettime at kein.org>:
> In response to Mr. Moglenbs call for help, a group of developers working in
> a free operating system called Debian have started to organize Freedom Box
> software.

> Mr. Moglen said that if he could raise bslightly north of $500,000,b
> Freedom Box 1.0 would be ready in one year.

They raised more than 60,000 US dollars in 5 days on kickstarter

"The donation that pushed us over the edge came from Blaine Cook, the
former lead architect for twitter, which is a nice vote of confidence,
but we would like to take a moment and send our thanks out to all of
the people who have helped contribute to this great drive, and
encourage everyone else to take a look." They announced on their
website yesterday

You have to keep reminding your government that you don't get your
rights from them; you give them permission to rule, only so long as
they follow the rules: laws and constitution.

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