Re: Feds ‘Pinged’ Sprint GPS Data 8 Million Times Over a Year

coderman coderman at
Wed Dec 2 08:08:06 PST 2009

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 7:27 AM, Eugen Leitl <eugen at> wrote:
> ...
> Sprint Nextel provided law enforcement agencies with customer location data
> more than 8 million times between September 2008 and October 2009...

i am more interested in the redacted details of this little snippet:

    "Our pricing schedules reveal (for just two examples) that upon
the lawful request of law enforcement we are able to [XXX two examples
redacted by USMS XXX]. In cooperation with law enforcement, we do not
release that information to the general public out of concern that a
criminal may become aware of our capabilities, see a change in his
service, correctly assume that the change was made at the lawful
request of law enforcement and alter his behavior to thwart a law
enforcement investigation."

what two examples of lawful intercept on Verizon lines would introduce
a subtle "change in service" detectable by someone paying attention?

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