Tor incentives

rayservers rayservers at
Thu Jan 25 03:04:24 PST 2007

coderman wrote:
> [Ed: if we're taking bets, i'm guessing usability/simplicity for
> operating an exit (3.1) are 80% of the battle.]
> Tor Incentives Design Brainstorms
> 1. Goals: what do we want to achieve with an incentive scheme?
> 1.1. Encourage users to provide good relay service (throughput, latency).
> 1.2. Encourage users to allow traffic to exit the Tor network from
>     their node.
> ...

Heh, its called "Economics 101". Get paid traffic, at a higher QoS. 
"Make money while your computer is idle". Even the free riders will 
benefit from the self sustaining infrastructure. It even sounds like 
Robin Hood.



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