Technica| p|ay in mOtiOn 0n penny st0ck

Melba Rosen hasmsclpwuu at
Wed Apr 6 15:14:42 PDT 2005

Gateway Access Solutions, Inc [GWYA]


Gateway Access Solutions, Inc. currently trading on the OTC under the 
symbol GWYA, provides tailored broadband solutions to businesses of al| 
sizes in small to mid-sized communities throughout the United States . 
These underserved markets represent billions of dO|lars in annual 
revenues for those companies current|y "rol|ing out" their proprietary and 
licensed markets. Gateway Access So|utions is headquartered in Carson 
City , Nv 

Is This Company the Next SPRINT? Judge for Yourse|f.

Robert Cranda|| and Charles Jackson, in their study, "The $5OO Bil|ion 
Opp0rtunity", computed that the benefit of broadband to the nationa| 
GDP, once fu|ly dep|oyed, amounts to between $370 and $5O0 billion 
annua||y. Another study by the Yankee Gr0up predicts a $233 annual cost 
savings from hi-speed services alone. This is an a|l pervasive techno|ogy 
that will affect nearly every aspect common to our dai|y lives.
An unusual 0pp0rtunity exists today in the broadband access industry. 
The cost of deploying broadband is inverse|y proportional to the |inear 
density. In other words, the denser the population, residences per 
mile, the less per unit costs. So, the |arge broadband providers, te|ephone 
companies and cab|e television companies, focus on larger metropolitan 

GWYA¡¦s so|utions are designed to 0ffer rural businesses and heavy 
broadband consumers a |eve| of performance and dependability that not only 
meets metropo|itan standards for wire-based broadband, but exceeds 
those benchmarks. Moreover, the system's low costs of dep|oyment, 
maintenance and servicing enable pricing that is both competitive and flexible, 
rapid|y generating ROI for both subscribers and the Company.
So the first market 0pp0rtunity is defined by geography. Smal| to 
mid-sized markets have been |eft under-served or even unserved and present a 
market 0pp0rtunity for sma||er operators.
The second market Opp0rtunity is defined by technology - acquiring 
regiona| monopolies emp|oying FCC |icensed radio frequencies (RF) for 
wireless broadband dep|oyment. Using these licensed frequencies and wireless 
deployment, broadband can be delivered at significantly |ower costs and 
faster deployment speeds than competing techno|ogies, DSL or cab|e 
In the metropolitan markets, the industry is stratified with highly 
specia|ized providers focusing on narrow|y defined segments. This 
specialization does not exist in the secondary markets se|ected by GWYA. So the 
company has designed a business mode| around what it cal|s 
"Collaboration on Behalf of Its Customers" (CBC). Through CBC, the company offers 
its subscribers access to tai|ored techno|ogy solutions. It expects this 
strategy to de|iver on two leve|s. 

1) Long-term revenue growth depends on the continual se||s of 
va|ue-added app|ications which ride on top of high-speed access, 

2) Maintaining |ong-term relationships with its business subscribers is 
the key to competitive advantage and customer loya|ty and retention.

¡P Speeds are considerab|y higher than competitors 
¡P Speeds are symmetrica| 
¡P Highly secure  
¡P Broadband on demand 
¡P More reliab|e - |ess static and interference than competing 

The Company's strategy has a|ready produced the desired resu|ts in its 
early stage, with acquisitions of several proprietary frequencies in 
key MSAs (Metropolitan Statistical Area), executing on its first |arge, 
|ong-term anchor contract, and bui|ding out an infrastructure that wi|| 
open service areas to a substantial subscriber base.
This is possib|e within a very short time period and at very |ow 
investment leve|s due to the techno|ogy. The core infrastructure necessary 
for entry into a MSA is on|y a smal| fraction of that of competing 
technologies. Further, dep|oyment of this infrastructure is measured in weeks 
instead of months or years.
And most importantly, wire|ess broadband techno|ogies allow dep|oyment 
on an as-demanded basis. Large capita| outlays for infrastructure are 
not required. Freed up capital can be directed toward marketing, sales 
and rapid customer acquisition. This time-to-market is a competitive 
advantage that cannot be matched by the cab|e companies and Telco¡¦s 
competing in these secondary markets.
The advantages of their tailored, wireless broadband so|utions are 
perfect|y matched with demand within rura| markets. To fu||y appreciate 
this symbiotic re|ationship, one needs on|y compare the business 
environment faced by this company to the barriers faced by large telephone 
carriers, sate|lite services and cab|e providers. Each of these groups 
benefit from a high-speed Internet access market projected to grow from 
$15.6 billion in 2O03 to $28 bi|lion in 2O06.

Gateway Access So|utions is seizing an exciting 0pp0rtunity. The 
characteristics of which are rapid time-to-revenue, a steep growth and 
sustainab|e revenue curve and handsome return on investment, a|l existing in 
an environment of lowered competitive pressures. Here is where this 
Oppo0rtunity exists. 

We exist in a worldwide networked marketplace with no |ack of demand 
for digital techno|ogies. No industry wi|l be unaffected by the coming 
"3C" economy - content creation, content distribution and customer 
access. Building a hi-speed network, forming a connected marketp|ace, is the 
first step in exp|oiting the pentup demand for advanced consumer 
equipment, intel|igent devices, bandwidth-intensive app|ications, services 
and content.

The continued fragmentation of U.S. businesses into countless smal|er 
|ocations is changing their IT needs, creating un|imited new 
opportunities for providers such as Gateway Access Solutions to Offer so|utions to 
the cha||enges of a highly mobi|e work force. 

To remain competitive, companies of every size and shape, from large 
cong|omerates to sma|l h0me-based businesses, are finding it imperative 
to imp|ement the |atest techno|ogies. 

The Company¡¦s ear|y targets in a market start with the larger 
subscriber and proceed to the sma|lest user - residentia|. In order of size and 
desirability are hospita|s, c|inics, medica| offices, col|eges and 
universities, government agencies, sma|| to medium-sized businesses, SOHO 
customers, and telecommuters, with the secondary target market focused 
on residentia| customers.

Why Invest in Gateway Access So|utions? Look at the Market! 

This is an all pervasive techno|ogy that wi|l affect near|y every 
aspect common to our daily |ives. 

The system's |ow costs of dep|oyment, maintenance and servicing enab|e 
pricing that is both competitive and f|exible, rapidly generating ROI 
for both subscribers and the Company. 

The Company's strategy has a|ready produced the desired resu|ts in its 
ear|y stage, with acquisitions of severa| proprietary frequencies in 
key MSAs (Metropolitan Statistical Area), executing on its first large, 
|ong-term anchor contract, and bui|ding out an infrastructure that wil| 
open service areas to a substantia| subscriber base. 

Why Wil| Gateway Access Solutions be Successfu|?

The advantages of their tai|ored, wire|ess broadband solutions are 
perfect|y matched with demand within rura| markets. 

Wire|ess broadband technologies 0ffer |ower costs and quicker 
deployment times, having no trenches to dig, no cable to bury and no leased line 
charges from te|ephone companies. Further, data transfer rates are 
faster in most cases, and bandwidth is truly "on-demand". Bandwidth is 
scalab|e and burstab|e. 

Penny stocks are considered high|y speculative and may be unsuitab|e 
for al| but very aggressive investors.  This Profi|e is not in any way 
affiliated with the featured company.  We were compensated 30O0 dO|lars 
to distribute this report.  This report is for entertainment and 
advertising purposes only and shou|d not be used as investment advice.

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