
Justin justin-cypherpunks at
Mon Oct 25 07:58:33 PDT 2004

On 2004-10-25T10:00:46-0400, Tyler Durden wrote:
> Peter Capelli wrote...
> >Yet what of your blindness, which doubts *everything* the current
> >administration does?
> 1. Abu Ghraib
> 2. WMD in Iraq
> 3. Patriot Act
> 4. Countless ties between this administration and the major contract 
> winners in Iraq
5. Campaign Finance Reform
6. Abortion
7. Faith-based initiatives
8. Bush, Ashcroft, and most others in the administration are prudish

The old must give way to the new, falsehood must become exposed by truth,
and truth, though fought, always in the end prevails.  -- L. Ron Hubbard 

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