Exciting new information on Palladium

Nomen Nescio nobody at dizum.com
Sun May 18 20:50:06 PDT 2003

There's a huge amount of (relatively) new information available on
Microsoft's NGSCB, aka Palladium.  Start at
http://www.microsoft.com/resources/ngscb/ and try the links at the left.

I'll mention two very exciting points here.  Clicking on the Newsgroup
link led to some discussion of a proposal by famous security guru Ernie
Brickell of Intel to use zero-knowledge proofs to demonstrate that
you have a good Palladium key.  The discussion implies that Intel is
promoting this technology for use in Palladium.  Apparently Brickell
presented this at the RSA conference.  I can't find an online paper
but here is an abstract pointed to by the newsgroup discussion:

   We will present an efficient protocol for demonstrating that a
   public signature verification key corresponds to a private signature
   generation key that is contained in a certified hardware device,
   without identifying which certified hardware device contains the
   private signature generation key.

   Each hardware device contains a unique certified key, but neither the
   public, nor the private unique keys are ever known outside of the
   hardware device. The protocol provides a verifier with the ability
   to revoke a hardware device. The cryptographic assumptions required
   are an interval RSA assumption and a Bounded Decision Diffie Hellman
   (DDH) assumption. The proofs use the random oracle model.

   We will discuss the privacy issues with cryptographic keys associated
   with trusted computing, and motivate the privacy requirements that
   were met in this protocol. We will also discuss potential performance
   and capability enhancements to the protocol.

We had some discussion of this idea last year, but we couldn't come up
with an approach that would both protect privacy and allow revocation.
Sounds like Brickell has cracked this nut!  That's good news for privacy
advocates.  Hopefully someone can point to a copy of the paper, or perhaps
summarize the idea if they have seen Brickell present it.

For the next point, click on the Product Information link to get to
several documents about Palladium.  The best one to start with (after
the Overview and the FAQ, if you didn't previously know anything about
this technology) is the Security Model.  But the TCB paper has probably
got the most meat.

One of the big issues about Palladium has been the issue of signed code.
Hopefully, most people don't believe any more that only signed code will
run, or that Microsoft or others will limit what applications you can
run, as claimed by Lucky Green and Ross Anderson.  The whole point of
TC is to let "trusted" applications (now called NCAs, Nexus Computing
Agents) run side by side with legacy apps.  Virtually everything you
can run today you will be able to run in the future.  And so far it
still appears that Microsoft will not limit the ability of developers
to write their own NCAs and make use of the TC technology.

Where the question about signed code comes into play is with regard to
the question of what versions of software people will choose to trust.
One of the main functions of TC is "attestation", by which the secure
hardware can report to a remote system a cryptographic hash of the
running code.  Based on this hash, the remote system can decide to trust
(or not) the code running on the local machine.  So for this to work,
the remote system has to either have a list of acceptable hash values or
perhaps it would rely on a (non-centralized) certificate that it chooses
to trust for this purpose.

The issue also arises with sealed storage.  Another of the TC features
is the ability of trusted apps to encrypt code such that it is locked
to their own identity.  Other programs, or other versions of the same
program, would not be able to decrypt it.  So again the question arises,
what exactly is hashed?  What happens if there are different versions
of the software?

The TCB article sheds considerable light on this.  What will be hashed is
not the program code, but rather a Manifest.  This is an XML format file
which includes either the program hash, or A PUBLIC KEY!  This means
that a distributed, trusted app can base its trust not just on the
relatively-brittle program hash, but if it chooses, on a signature
public key which would be used specifically for the purpose of issuing
new versions of the program.  Any software signed by that key would be
interchangeable for Palladlium trust purposes.

In addition, the Manifest can define which "code modules" (libraries?
DLLs?) can be loaded by the program.  This is done by inclusion/exclusion
lists, which can again be either hashes or public keys, so in other words
your trusted app can say to use a certain version of a DLL, or to use
any version signed by the DLL author.

The Manifest also holds a DEBUG FLAG!  This means that trusted code can
be debugged - if the Manifest says so.  And if it says not to, you can
just edit the Manifest file to allow it - but the Palladium identity of
the program will change, since that is based on a hash of the Manifest.
In other words, code can be debugged, but it will not be trusted by
other non-debugged versions of the code, and it will not be able to
unlock data that was locked while it was undebugged.

This approach seems to offer a good balance between flexibility and
security.  And the best part is that it makes these decisions in a
completely decentralized fashion.  Microsoft doesn't have to get involved
at all.  Each developer and user can decide for himself what policies
to set, how to configure the Manifest, and thus what software to trust.

Well, there's more good stuff here, and I'm still reading.  This is
all apparently the same information that was distributed at the recent
WinHEC conference.  I would encourage those who want to know more
about the reality of this new technology, rather than the fantasies
being promulgated by its opponents, to study these documents closely.

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