China (was Mike Hawash)

Steve Furlong sfurlong at
Sat May 3 08:52:35 PDT 2003

On Thursday 01 May 2003 11:02, Tyler Durden wrote:
> Sunder wrote...
> "Not that I've been there, but the last I heard, China was still an
> almosttotalitarian communist state and free travel in China is not
> possible."
> Your information is almost staggeringly out of date....
> As for the totalitarianism part,as long as you don't complain too
> loudly about the government, you're fine for the most part
> (particularly if you have lots of $$$). (Although every now and then
> Jong Nan Hai will decide to crack down on something and you may come
> under fire.)

I recently tried to explain the American first amendment to my 
soon-to-be stepson, who arrived from the PRC last September. He told me 
that China has freedom of speech, too: if you say something bad about 
the government, you won't go to jail for too long, maybe a few months, 
maybe a year. It's not like in the old days when people would get in 
trouble for that.

Steve Furlong    Computer Condottiere   Have GNU, Will Travel

Guns will get you through times of no duct tape better than duct tape
will get you through times of no guns. -- Ron Kuby

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