DNA of relative indicts man, cuckolding ignored

Stormwalker bruen at coldrain.net
Mon Jul 7 17:36:36 PDT 2003

On Mon, 7 Jul 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

> At 01:15 PM 7/7/03 -0400, Stormwalker wrote:
> >On Mon, 7 Jul 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
> >> Interesting, thanks.  Even a brother's daughter could be refused.
> >
> >  The BRCA genes are only transmitted through the mother, but
> >  there are many others that go through both lines.
> Could you explain how this could be?   

  My apologies. This is a not what I meant to  say. The brca genes
  can be passed through both paternal and maternal lines. 

> What's wrong with voluntary eugenics?  The invention of agriculture
> started a policy of negative eugenics that culminates with the
> industrial welfare state paying stupids to breed, while others chose
> birth control.  And banning somatic or germ line fixes to diseases, if
> you can do them, is as compassionate as banning insulin.  Which isn't
> even a fix, just a workaround.

  I was thinking of eugenics where something was forced upon others,
  which I do not think is desirable. 

  The invention of agriculture has not yet culminated. It gave/gives 
  people time to do other things.

  Good luck banning germ lines :)

> If a germ line fix has an unintended side effect, you either undo it
> (revert back to being inclined towards diabetes, if this is preferable
> to the side effect, say) or you debug or patch it.  Current & historical
> medicine is filled with such things for mere *temporary* meds that
> don't cure anything.

   Reverting may or not be possible. The products of some germ line
   may like what they are and wil lnot revert, no matter what other
   folks think.

                      cheers, bob

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