DNA of relative indicts man, cuckolding ignored

Major Variola (ret) mv at cdc.gov
Mon Jul 7 19:41:45 PDT 2003

At 08:36 PM 7/7/03 -0400, Stormwalker wrote:
>> What's wrong with voluntary eugenics?  The invention of agriculture
>> started a policy of negative eugenics that culminates with the
>> industrial welfare state paying stupids to breed, while others chose
>> birth control.  And banning somatic or germ line fixes to diseases,
>> you can do them, is as compassionate as banning insulin.  Which isn't

>> even a fix, just a workaround.
>  I was thinking of eugenics where something was forced upon others,
>  which I do not think is desirable.

Hey, I oppose *anything* which is forced upon others, even if *I*
deem it as "good".

>  The invention of agriculture has not yet culminated. It gave/gives
>  people time to do other things.

Yeah, like raise armies, feed bureaucraps, etc.  Still, I don't
hold it against the farmers.  Besides, the dominant cultures
are descendants of farmers.  See the writings of Jared Diamond.

>  Good luck banning germ lines :)
>> If a germ line fix has an unintended side effect, you either undo it
>> (revert back to being inclined towards diabetes, if this is
>> to the side effect, say) or you debug or patch it.  Current &
>> medicine is filled with such things for mere *temporary* meds that
>> don't cure anything.
>   Reverting may or not be possible. The products of some germ line
>   may like what they are and wil lnot revert, no matter what other
>   folks think.

Well, if they *like* it, only violent coercion would cause reversion.
I was thinking something like, the diabetes-fix package causes premature

death or something bothersome like that.

Obviously the "service pack 6 nasal spray" needs to refuse to install
on folks without the proper prior install.  Also it needs to avoid
spurious installation on folks who don't want it ---maybe you have
to take a snort of some antibiotic combo at the same time to activate
which is a current technique used for turning on inserted genes.


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