text analysis

Jim Choate ravage at einstein.ssz.com
Tue Apr 29 22:09:35 PDT 2003

On Tue, 29 Apr 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

> FWIW: There's a paragraph in the current _Science_ that mentions
> "Winnow", a program
> by some .il researchers that guesses the sex of authors by their
> writing.  They
> claim 80% accuracy on general lit

Perhaps impressive, perhaps not. What's the actual percentage ratio? I bet
it's decidedly male.

> and 74% accuracy on 30 science papers.

Considering the known sex ration in science fields one can guess 'male'
all the time and hit that level.


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      ravage at ssz.com                            jchoate at open-forge.org
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