Fuck the U.S. Police State and the Tens of Millions who Police It

Tim May tcmay at got.net
Wed Nov 21 17:00:04 PST 2001

On Wednesday, November 21, 2001, at 02:08 PM, Mark Henderson wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 21, 2001 at 01:33:57PM -0800, Meyer Wolfsheim wrote:
>> Oregon refuses to ignore basic constitutional rights for the sake of 
>> the
>> war on terrorism
> I lived in Portland about ten years back. Nice place. Almost makes me
> want to move back.
>> Hmm. Anyone see Redmond as the capital of the Independent States of the
>> Pacific Coast?
> It seems like you might be advocating break-up of the United States.
> Might be sedition. Off to the electric chair with you for thinking
> bad thoughts... perhaps after a few hours of torture.

Alan Dershowitz is calling for torture only after at least at GS-12 in 
an accredited office building electronically authorizes the torture.

Tribunals for terrorists like us ("if they are terrorists, they have no 
rights") will be carried out in military bases around the nation.
> Don't worry too much, with luck they'll let you off if you sign a
> loyalty oath.
> This country has become a very scary place.

Besides sedition, this is also treason.

P.S. Fuck this nation. Fuck it to death. It has long been a festering 
pool of democracy. Now it has discarded what remained of constitutional 
foundations. Kill it before it multiplies. By any means necessary.

--Tim May, Corralitos, California
Quote of the Month: "It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes; 
perhaps there are no true libertarians in times of terrorist attacks." 
--Cathy Young, "Reason Magazine," both enemies of liberty.

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