No subject

Ray Dillinger bear at
Fri Mar 30 15:32:01 PST 2001

On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Jim Choate wrote:

>On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Jim Choate wrote:
>> Bus stations, train stations, airports, etc. are the WORST place to meet
>> in a 'high technology' society. The crowds won't do you any good.
>I should explain why,
>Cameras stop time.

In this matter, I fear, Jim's moment to be right has come around 
again.  Crowded noisy spaces are right when the threat model is 
humans listening and humans watching.  

When the threat model is machines recording, and data storage is 
cheap enough that people can go back through the system weeks 
or months later to see what went on exactly, Crowded noisy spaces 
are no longer right.

I don't even know what spaces are right for meetings any more, 
especially considering that this came up in the context of 
getting a vagrant to act as your physical agent in purchasing 
a MO.  The average vagrant has neither patience nor attention 
span nor trustworthiness for operations requiring more than a 
few hours of working for someone else, especially while holding 
a negotiable instrument and traversing a relatively witness-free 

*sigh*.  At best, you trade one risk for another.  At worst, 
the vagrant makes a fuss and yells for an officer and claims 
he's being robbed when you try to get the MO you paid for.  


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