Microsoft Trial Judge Based His Break-Up "Remedy" On Flawed Theory, NotFacts

David Honig honig at
Thu Mar 1 06:56:16 PST 2001

At 11:02 AM 3/1/01 +0000, Ken Brown wrote:
>Reese wrote:
>> I don't think Godwin would agree.  Godwin's Law is a natural law of Usenet
>> named after Mike Godwin (godwin at concerning Usenet "discussions".
>> It reads, according to the Jargon File: As a Usenet discussion grows
>> the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.
>Of course, as any text grows longer the probability that it contains any
>other text approaches one... just more or less slowly.  Godwin's law
>needs some quantification.

Perhaps there are simply more National Socialists out there than recognize
that fact.

A sociologist was interviewing a southern farmer:
Why do you think the murder rate is higher in the south?
I guess more southerners need killin'.



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