- U.S. vetoes Mideast peace move - December 15, 2001

jamesd at jamesd at
Mon Dec 17 21:52:31 PST 2001

James A. Donald:
> > Someone who is too blind to recognize evil when it heaves
> > a rock at his head needs some more rocks in the face to
> > improve his vision. [...] a short while ago, the
> > Taliban was slaughtering various minority groups,
> > throwing their bodies into wells to poison the ground
> > water, bulldozing their houses and irrigation ditches,
> > cutting down their mulberry trees and bulldozing their
> > vines.  Now they cannot do that any more.  I hope Fisk
> > goes back there for some more beatings.

On 17 Dec 2001, at 8:30, Mark Henderson wrote:
> How touchingly naive.
> But, don't despair, now Afghanistan is ruled by a different
> set of thugs. They'll bulldoze different houses, and
> torture and kill different people.

Perhaps, but they did not slaughter minority groups before,
and they are not doing it right now.  More importantly, they
did not slaughter several thousand westerners before, and
they are not killing random western journalists right now.

         James A. Donald

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