: Re: AP Al Qaeda

Jim Choate ravage at einstein.ssz.com
Wed Dec 12 05:31:21 PST 2001

Get your damn quoting right, Declan didn't right the '> >' delimited text
as you indicate.

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, mattd wrote:

> > So the property you own is really(!) owned by the state and you pay
> > the initial payments for title transfer and the taxes during occupation 
> > (sounds like rent doesn't it?) unless you default in which case they take 
> > their property back... Seems to me the ideal strategy is to not own 
> > anything of significant value.
> "Aint got nothing,got nothing to lose"
> A lot of barristers have gone bankrupt lately,It hasn't cramped their 
> billing style though.This threads veering into socialistic territory,Im 
> telling jamesd!
> Also AP comes out of tax revolt,dont try and separate it out,declan.Start a 
> new thread on property taxes.Im taxing the land
> where the cato institute stands,btw.If I dont get 100,000 k per annum I 
> send in my new OSD black helicopters.


             Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

                                             Bumper Sticker

       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
       Austin, Tx               /:'///// ``::>/|/      ravage at ssz.com
       www.ssz.com            .',  ||||    `/( e\      512-451-7087
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