Spoliation cites

Trei, Peter ptrei at rsasecurity.com
Mon Aug 6 08:51:46 PDT 2001

> jamesd at echeque.com[SMTP:jamesd at echeque.com] wrote:
> I am unable to reconcile Black Unicorn's recent post, where he denounces
> almost the entire cypherpunk program as illegal by current legal standards
> and a manifestation of foolish ignorance of the law and obstinate refusal
> to take his wise advice, with the conjecture that Black Unicorn is aware
> of 
> current recommended best practice in record keeping.
I've mostly been staying out of this stormy little teacup, but I'll 
concur that BU is overreaching himself. When he starts to claim 
that writing security software to best industry practices - erasing
sensitive data as soon as it's need has passed, clearing disks
and buffers, etc - all practices mandated for meeting certain
government FIPS levels, and widely documented as standard -
when he claims that writing programs correctly could get me
in trouble - then it's time to downgrade my estimates of his
knowledge and expertise.

Peter Trei

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