CDR: Re: <nettime> Rebirth of Guilds

Sampo A Syreeni ssyreeni at
Thu Sep 28 01:12:02 PDT 2000

On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Jim Burnes wrote:

>Guy likes a girl.  Wants to have sex with her.  She doesn't like him
>and does not want to associate with him because he's a boor,
>unintelligent, ugly whatever.  She shuns him (as does every other
>woman in the village).

Shunning is rarely a problem if it's not concerted. Then it can be a great
problem indeed. If, and only if, it is, you have harm to the basic rights of
a person and you can establish causality, we are on a fine line. I *am*
sensible enough not to confuse satisfying arbitrary whims with e.g. keeping
someone alive.

Sampo Syreeni <decoy at>, aka decoy, student/math/Helsinki university

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