CDR: Re: Re: Lions and Tigers and Backdoors, oh, my...

Sampo A Syreeni ssyreeni at
Wed Sep 27 04:10:51 PDT 2000

On Tue, 26 Sep 2000, Ray Dillinger wrote:

>After a little security skirmish with my (now Ex)Bank, I discovered 
>this about Netscape and Internet Explorer; both have "help fields" 
>in their headers that facilitate cryptanalysis of SSL connections 
>if you have the key to the help field.  

Really? This is not just a cattle-mutilation-kinda rumor? If such help
fields exist, what is the kind of crypto used on them? If it's symmetric,
somebody's going to have a highly satisfactory debugging session, soon...

Sampo Syreeni <decoy at>, aka decoy, student/math/Helsinki university

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