CDR: Re: The Market for Privacy

Adam Shostack adam at
Thu Nov 2 07:22:29 PST 2000

On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 11:14:27PM -0500, Lucky Green wrote:

| In my view (I suspect this may be in agreement with Tim's comments above,
| though I naturally do not presume to speak for Tim) ZKS' inability to derive
| meaningful revenue of the Freedom (TM) product can be explained quite
| trivially: the product fails to meet market requirements. Those willing to
| pay cash to protect their Internet activities demand real privacy. Not the
| watered-down, Mickey Mouse "privacy" Freedom provided.
| Freedom does not offer the user untracable IP. Hence those seeking
| untracable IP didn't buy the product. Little surprise here. Freedom's
| current fate was predicted in detail on this list the moment ZKS' deviated
| from their initial anon IP promises.

I'm really curious to see who goes into business selling full-bore
anonymous IP on our codebase.  If anyone really wants to, we'll be
happy to spend a day or two telling you about all our in-progress
traffic analysis results, so you don't need to re-do that work.  (It
will all be published as it becomes ready for publication, but if
someone really wants to pursue this business, we'll show you what
we've done.)


"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."

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