y2k as ideological opportunity

Jeff Barber jeffb at issl.atl.hp.com
Thu Sep 18 13:15:45 PDT 1997

Vlad the Imposter writes:

> this is my call out to PROGRAMMERS not to work on projects
> that you don't consider ideologically valid. let's start
> a movement in which "intellectual capital" refuses to be
> routed toward supporting oppressive, self-perpetuating,
> dying welfare-state institutions.  imagine a worldwide
> programmer union or movement in which programmers refuse
> to work on y2k problems in the government and refuse to
> work on other projects they do not support, no matter what
> the money. 
> they say that every man has his price.
> integrity has no price!! imagine, would you turn down any
> amount of money to work on the corrupt state mechanisms?
> this is exactly what is required to bring them down. as
> long as they can continue to bribe the populace with its
> own money, they will continue.

Wow.  I never expected to see Detweiler championing Tim's "collapse
of governments" theme.

-- Jeff

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