Report on UN conference on Internet and racism

Jon Galt jongalt at
Fri Nov 21 18:44:09 PST 1997

> >What are your grounds for restricting the rights of your neighbors to 
> >contract with Mexicans or whoever else they care to?  Buy, sell, hire,
> >rent,  etc.

On Thu, 20 Nov 1997, William H. Geiger III wrote:
> When you have +1,000,000 Mexicans comming across the boarder a year that
> is called an Invasion. When the Federal Government refuses to defend the
> boarders and forces the citizens of the states to aid in this invasion
> this is called Treason.

After all it is *very* important to have the Federal Government defend 
boarders against exploitation by their landlords! :-)

Seriously though.  Getting all emotionally tied up in concepts like 
"defending the borders" and "forcing" citizens to "aid in this invasion" 
may sound good, but whose land is it anyway?  I don't own a single acre, 
not even a single square foot of land in the entire southwestern/western 
part of the North American continent.

What gives the hoodlums in Washington, D.C. the right to draw a line on a 
map and try to control people's travel across that line?

Jon Galt
e-mail:  jongalt at
PGP public key available on my website.

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