ADV Weekly Transcripts

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Fri Mar 14 22:12:16 PST 1997

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American Dissident Voices Online Radio

Reports from Our Correspondents: Racial News from Around the World
by Kevin Alfred Strom 

In this article we will be looking at news items, both profound and
absurd, sent in by ADV listeners around the world, which have been
overlooked or underreported by the controlled media. In a previous
article I detailed a few of the many so-called "hate crimes" that
actually turn out to be hoaxes perpetrated by the so-called oppressed
groups themselves. Just after I filed that article another item was sent
to me which continues the long list of such hoaxes. It's from the
Pensacola News-Journal, June 1, 1996: 

     MIAMI -- A Jewish father and son team were convicted of staging 
     hate crimes by defacing a Jewish school's buses to drum up repair 

     Al and Steven Rubin arranged for two teenagers to vandalize school
     buses and spray-paint anti-Semitic slogans and swastikas around 
     Hillel Community Day School last year. 

     . . . Steven Rubin, the school's transportation director, directed 
     repair business to his father, who owned Priority Car Care. The son
     also was accused of faking work for his father, including $79 oil 
     changes billed at $4,000. 

     David Michael Brown, a mechanic who once worked for Al Rubin, 
     testified he acted as the middleman, paying the vandals $50. 

     . . . Steven Rubin was found guilty of nine counts of theft, three
     counts of burglary, two counts of criminal mischief, and burglary 
     conspiracy. Al Rubin was convicted of nine counts of theft. 

In this case, fellow Jews were the monetary victims of this "hate-crime"
hoax but had the real perpetrators never been caught, who would have
been blamed for these incidents? How many such "racist" incidents, which
make their way into the frightening "hate crime" statistics that the
Jewish lobby now requires our police agencies to compile, are in reality
as-yet-unexposed hoaxes? 

* * * 

The San Jose Mercury News reports that two Baltimore Sun reporters paid
$1,000 to slave owners in Sudan for two Sudanese brothers who had been
abducted from their home six years ago and since then had worked as
slaves in the fields. The reporters, after purchasing the pair, granted
them their freedom. 

This recent item demonstrates the absurdity of the controlled media's
anti-White guilt-mongering on the subject of slavery. The enslavement of
one tribe of non-Whites by another tribe of non-Whites, or by their own
tribesmen, is still taking place on the continent of Africa and
elsewhere in the non-White world. 

Slavery in Sudan is notorious, and despite government denials, and more
than one official banning, it still flourishes. It is also endemic in
Mauritania, likewise on a massive, institutionalized scale. In these
cases it is usually Islamic Berbers or Moors who hold Blacks in
captivity, though some Blacks participate in the marketing of their own
kinsmen. Blacks hold other Blacks as slaves in Niger, Nigeria, Senegal,
Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, and Rwanda according to Michael Harris of
Anti-Slavery International. 

Jews, along with European Whites, were prominent in the historic
Atlantic slave trade. That trade lasted for about three hundred years,
until it was abolished by White Europeans. But Blacks had been capturing
and enslaving neighboring tribes since time immemorial, and had been
supplying Arab slavers with their fellow Blacks for 1,000 years before
the Europeans arrived -- and they are still doing it. Scholars estimate
that over 14 million Blacks were transported to the slave bazaars of
Arabia, a greater number than were shipped to North America. At those
slave bazaars, by the way, Blacks were offered up for sale on the same
blocks where White slaves were being sold. In fact some of the
slave-trading Black kingdoms, notably the Ashanti, enslaved all
foreigners they could get their hands on and traded them for Arab gold
and trinkets. These captives sometimes even included Europeans
shipwrecked off western Africa. 

Long before the arrival of the White man, Amerindians owned slaves.
"Slave-catchers" were sent out after battles to round up the enemy
wounded for a lifetime of slavery. In some tribes the slaves accounted
for 15% of the population. Sometimes Indian "potlatch" ceremonies
included the killing of large numbers of slaves just to show off the
wealth of the slave owner. 

In Thailand, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and other parts of the Third
World, it is well known that parents sell their children, girls and
boys, into slavery to sex club operators who use their young bodies to
attract the shekels, yen, and dollars of "sex tourists," foreign and
domestic, with various types of perversion. Some of these children are
as young as six years old. Many are sent to other countries, and slave
merchants report that they can get five or six times the price for a
child under sixteen as for an adult slave. This differential reflects
the high demand for young sex slaves to satisfy the unnatural urges of

Anti-Slavery International estimates that 55 million children between
the ages of 4 and 14 are enslaved in India. Some work in brothels where
they may endure dozens of sexual violations daily. Some work 18 hour per
day, seven day per week in textile, fireworks, or other manufacturing
sweatshops. These child slaves are often burned, branded with red-hot
irons, starved, whipped, chained, raped, and kept locked in cupboards
for days. 

In the Oaxaca Mountains of Mexico, women often sell their children and
ask few questions about what will become of them. The going rate is from
under $10,000 to about $20,000, depending on the child's complexion and
whether the purchaser is a Mexican or a rich Westerner. The highest
prices are fetched by children whose fathers are White men and who
inherit their fathers' coloration. These are used to supply the huge
adoption market in Europe and America, where abortion has literally
thrown a generation of White children into the trash, forcing would-be
adoptive parents to look elsewhere. A White man traveling in rural
Mexico can often have his choice of young Indians or mestizas to sleep
with -- so anxious are they to give birth to a child of "high value."
The "adoptees" are the lucky ones. Not so lucky are those sold into
lifelong slavery to rich Mexicans, who may treat them as they will.
Unluckier still are those sold to pedophiles and pimps. 

In this short time I have just barely sketched the outlines of slavery
as it existed and still exists, and I haven't even mentioned the
historic enslavement of Whites or the existence of White slavery in
modern Israel, which I wrote about several months ago in this
newsletter. Suffice it to say: Slavery has been a factor in virtually
all human societies since the dawn of history. It has not been a
phenomenon peculiar to White societies, and in a sense quite the
opposite is true. It was White people who first abolished the
institution of slavery, since many rightly came to view it not only as
pernicious to the well-being of the slave, but also degrading to the
master, inimical to the interests of the White laborer, and destructive
of the racial integrity of the nation. It was White people who first
introduced the concepts of self-government and individual freedom and
responsibility into the world. 

The Black writer Orlando Patterson just about said it all on this
subject when he stated: "There was no word for `freedom' in most
non-Western languages before contact with Western peoples." 

* * * 

Let's review a few news items that have crossed the wires recently: In
Baltimore, Maryland, an outfit called Healthy Start Men's Services,
which undoubtedly is funded by your tax money and mine, purports to have
as its purpose teaching inner city Black men how to be good fathers.
According to a report in the San Jose Mercury News, they describe as a
"typical case" a 44-year-old Baltimore man who, during those periods
when he was not incarcerated, fathered eight children by five different
women and who candidly admits he never took fatherhood seriously. If
this is their typical case, I would shudder to think about the bad ones. 

* * * 

LAGOS, NIGERIA -- Newspapers report that over sixty people became sick
after drinking Sun Light dishwashing detergent. The labels were clearly
marked "detergent" but did show a picture of a lemon and the words "real
lemon juice." 

Instances similar to this also were reported, several years ago, in
large, heavily Black metropolitan areas in the United States when
detergent samples were delivered via the mails. 

* * * 

And, on a much more serious note: 

LIBERIA -- Sensi Momoh is a Liberian living in a village to the
northwest of the capital, Monrovia. A civil war has been raging in
Liberia, and a few weeks ago soldiers from one of the factions arrived
in the village. Did they arrive to establish control and enlist the
support of the villagers. No. Garnering support was the farthest thing
from their minds. In fact, when they arrived -- unopposed -- in town the
first things they did were fire their guns at random and ransack the
huts. But that was far, very far, from the worst of it. Listen to Sensi
Momoh's own words: 

     They killed my brother. They opened up his body and took the heart
     out. They put it in a big pan and cooked it in palm butter. Then 
     they ate it. 

Was Sensi Momoh's brother a member of an opposing faction in the civil
war? No. The driving force behind this savagery is not politics, and
this was not an isolated case. The driving force is an ancient African
belief system that posits that by eating certain human body parts the
cannibal may gain in power and strength. 

Many of the refugees from the war, now in camps outside Monrovia and
accessible to the few Western journalists still remaining, described
similar acts of cannibalism, which are believed to confer supernatural
powers upon the bloody feasters. A woman related how she had seen young
soldiers of Alhaji GV Kromah's "United Liberation Movement" cut out the
heart and testicles of five young boys and eat them. While this was
taking place Kromah himself sat as a member of the Council of State in
Monrovia, put there by Western peacemakers trying to reform Liberia's
bloody ways. 

Liberia may be an extreme example, but parallels in Rwanda, Kenya,
Rhodesia, Angola, Katanga, and pre-colonial Africa abound. Absolute
autocracy is the only way that African societies have been able to
maintain a measure of order and peace. The slightest vacuum of authority
results in chaos. 

It is also interesting to note that across Central Africa the eating of
ape meat is commonplace. The Africans indulging in this practice believe
that consuming the ape will endow them with the strength and cunning of
the beast. This is clearly a variant on the beliefs of the cannibals,
and may be a relict of cannibalistic practices which have been at least
partially suppressed. It is hard to imagine that the similarity to
cannibalism is lost on the participants. 

The vice president of the Wildlife Conservation Society, John Robinson,
is worried that the practice of killing and eating apes is so prevalent
that extinction is a real possibility. He stated, "Except in locales
where the hunting is light, the exploitation of most species is not

The World Society for the Protection of Animals launched a large ad
campaign beginning in 1990 to protect these animals and discourage the
killing and eating of them at ritual feasts. The result was no change in
the African's beliefs or eating habits, but there were charges of
"cultural insensitivity" from the more dedicated equalitarians. 

Foolish indeed are those who think that Western money or "ideals" will
have any lasting effect on the African manner of political succession or
spiritual beliefs. And even more foolish are those who think that we can
become one genetically with the African without becoming like him
intellectually, morally, spiritually, and politically as well. 

* * * 

WASHINGTON, DC -- The most recent crime statistics, as you may have
heard trumpeted in the media, indicate small decreases in violent crime
over the last few years. Despite this, of course, crime is tremendously
greater today than it was before the Third World invasion of America and
the so-called "civil rights" revolution. And I have a healthy skepticism
about these reports of decreasing crime, and I'll tell you why after we
review some of the statistics: Overall crime has diminished slightly,
but some crime levels have exploded. Currently there is one violent
crime every 17 seconds; one property crime every 3 seconds; one murder
every 23 minutes; one forcible rape every 5 minutes; one robbery every
51 seconds; one aggravated assault every 28 seconds; one burglary every
12 seconds; one larceny every 4 seconds; and one motor vehicle theft
every 20 seconds. 

In the next thirty minutes six more women will be raped. 

According to the Department of Justice: In 1960 there were 160 violent
crimes for every 100,000 Americans. 

In 1994 there were 715 violent crimes for every 100,000 Americans. 

They also say that since 1990 violent and property crime have declined
by respectively by 2.2 and 8.5 percent. 

Now those are fascinating figures; but I think that crime in non-White
areas is vastly understated in the statistics for several reasons. 

In some of these areas the crime situation is so bad, crimes are so
omnipresent and so routine, that only a fraction are reported. Secondly,
of those reported some are "lost in the shuffle" of paperwork because of
an inefficient and/or vastly understaffed and overworked police force
who must make the time to deal with "priority situations" and let the
rest slide. Even many of the reported and recorded crimes are not really
investigated, and never show up in arrest or conviction statistics.
Remember that these conditions exist mainly in heavily non-White areas,
so the huge difference between Whites and non-Whites in their propensity
for crime is probably considerably understated. 

I worked for many years in the occupied Washington, DC, area. My work
took me often into the areas where the tour buses (and sometimes even
the U.S. Mail) won't go. I have personal knowledge of what such urban
hells are like. 

* * * 

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORIA -- Those of you who are skeptical of that New Age
therapy, "Past Life Regression," will probably not be surprised at the
innovation of psychiatrist Adrian Finkelstein, which he calls "Future
Life Progression." No slouch, Finkelstein does not merely claim to see
your future incarnations but claims he can "reconstruct" your future
lives so as to ensure that you'll come back as someone rich and famous.
Such a service would undoubtedly be worth millions of dollars, but so
full of altruism is Dr. Finkelstein that he only charges the suckers,
uh, . . . I mean clients, two hundred dollars per hour. 

* * * 

The Israeli newspaper Haaretz published an article by Jewish columnist
Ari Shavit in which Jewish control of the United States was frankly
admitted. The really strange thing is that this column was reprinted on
May 27 by the New York Times, and except for courageous commentator
Joseph Sobran Americans are averting their eyes from the forbidden and
embarrassing truth. 

Shavit is not pleased by the cold-blooded killing committed by his
fellow Israelis in Lebanon. He states in the article: 

     We killed them out of a certain naive hubris. Believing with
     absolute certitude that now, with the White House, the Senate, and
     much of the American media in our hands, the lives of others do not
     count as much as our own. . . . 

It is just as I wrote several months ago -- some Jews now believe that
they can get away with anything. Non-Jewish lives count for nothing. Do
whatever you want, and our spin doctors in the media will keep the
American cattle from lowing. Kill at will, and the President and his
appointees and the Congress will smile and hand you even more billions
of the U.S. taxpayers' money. Remember, "the White House, the Senate,
and much of the American media are in our hands." 

Now if I stated such a thing, or if any White American stated that the
government and the media in this country were "in Jewish hands," we'd be
talking "hate crimes" and "bigotry" and that most terrible crime of all,
"anti-Semitism." Let us thank Ari Shavit for clearing the air and
speaking the truth, and forever making it impossible to deny exactly who
is responsible for America's decline to the status of an occupied

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