Pro-CODE Bill

E. Allen Smith EALLENSMITH at ocelot.Rutgers.EDU
Sun Mar 2 19:08:25 PST 1997

	Upon looking over the bill in question
(helpfully provided in a more accessible location
by jya), I do have some concerns over whether it
allows for anonymous remailer export - it has a
provision stating

Nothing in this Act may be construed to affect any law intended to prevent the-

(2) illegal or unauthorized distribution or release of classified, confidential, or
	proprietary information; or

(3) enforcement of Federal or State criminal law.

Which causes some question in my mind whether it
would cover laws against or discouraging anonymous
remailers. (While the Supreme Court would probably
find outlawing anonymous remailers to be unconstitutional,
laws discouraging their export or other lesser forms of
harrassment might still pass muster, unfortunately.)

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