CNN - Encryption bill expected to pass House - June 23, 1997

Declan McCullagh declan at
Tue Jun 24 11:55:30 PDT 1997

Yeah, I'm going to the markup later this afternoon. I ran into Goodlatte in
the Capitol this morning; he seemed cautiously optimistic.



At 10:28 -0700 6/24/97, Alan Olsen wrote:
>Encryption bill expected to pass House
>June 23, 1997
>Web posted at: 10:05 p.m. EDT (0205 GMT)
>WASHINGTON (Reuter) -- Legislation to
>relax U.S. export limits on computer-encoding
>technology is likely to move ahead in the
>House of Representatives this week, despite
>a severe setback in the Senate last week.
>The House International Relations' economic
>policy and trade subcommittee will vote on a
>bill Tuesday, chairwoman Ileana
>Ros-Lehtinen, Republican of Florida, said.

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