UK spooks invent RSA, DH in 1973

John Young jya at
Wed Dec 17 14:35:05 PST 1997

Steve Bellovin of ATT has posted a message on Cryptography
in response to the CESG paper in which he discloses a 1962 
National Security Action Memorandum by President Kennedy
on permissive link devices for nuclear weapons which apparently 
led to NSA invention of PK crypto. Matt Blaze obtained the NASM
under FOIA and Steve is offering it on his Web site as GIF images.

     where ? ranges from 1 through 7.  

We've transcribed the images and put them with Steve's message:

BTW, Professor Denning posted an announcement of the CESG
paper to UK Crypto (where a notice had appeared earlier) with brief
comment of prior art signficance.

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