Triple-DES blues (was Re: some hashcash advocacy)

Adam Back aba at
Mon Aug 11 06:14:00 PDT 1997

Kent Crispin <kent at> writes:
> > [btw: Kent: I tried out your .midi file under win95, all I had to do
> > was double click on it.  Almost melodic in an weird modern sort of
> > way.  Most cool anyway :-]
> [...]
> But this experiment sends my mind twitching off in other aesthetic 
> directions -- your code was short enough so that it isn't boring -- 
> if you had 20 minutes of "music" like that it would drive you nuts, 
> and I would like to try some longer things -- a couple hundred lines 
> of C code, for example.  To make that work I was thinking of putting 
> in a strong basic harmonic background, like a blues progression, and 
> using the code text to drive a solo voice over it.  Something like 
> the "Triple-DES blues"...

Well here's DES... shouldn't be hard to construct a 3DES out of it

#!/bin/perl -s-- DES in perl5
$/=" ";sub u{$_=<DATA>;s/\s//g;map{-33+ord}/./g}$"='';$[=1;@S=map{[u]}1..8;@I=
u;@F=u;@C=(split//,unpack B64,pack H16,$k.0 x16)[u];@D=splice at C,29;@p=u;$_=11 .
2222221 x2;for$l(/./g){map{push@$_,splice@$_,1,$l}\@C,\@D;$K[++$i]="@{[(@C, at D)
[@p]]}"}@E=u;@P=u;%a=map{unpack(B8,chr$_),$_}0..63;while(read STDIN,$b,8){@L=(
split//,unpack B64,$b."\0"x7)[@I];@R=splice at L,33;for$i(1..16){$i=17-$i if$d;@t
=@R[@E];$j=1;$n=0;for(($K[$i]^"@t"|0 x48)=~/.{6}/g){($n<<=4)+=${$S[$j++]}[$a{
"00$_"}+1]};@t=(split//,unpack B32,pack N,$n)[@P];@X=split//,"@L"^"@t"|0 x32;
@L=@R;@R=@X}print pack B64,join'',(@R, at L)[@F]}__END__~printunpacku,'$2F%P:```'
/!%0.("%#/0#,.)"$++''--,&**&!$()%0"-/))#.%'*#",(0&-,*$(/$++!&'!. 0$".)%/('0,#$
)%/*-(!#".+-'!*&,+&!./)(+,"+$%0.%"#&,)'-('-*!$&#/0* +.!(*!/*'$$%0'&+"#.)-&(/,-
%,#0)"."'+%.*!)'0*$)!(,%"0#/-$&,+&/#(- (..)/,$&!''0*!+$"%#()#&-,"-+%/0*+$'0*!!
'-+,"(..)0*"%$&/,&-#()#%/ #/-,%#"-(%+(,.'")&&!$00+.$!*/)*'%,#)"-,(+"./(#).0'*0
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How high can you crank up the bit rate?  How about pgp.exe (270k or so
from pgp263)?

Couldn't you sample voices, and use that through a vocoder?  Say one
line of the music was DES above which would come out as a real short
burst... even pgp.exe at 270k wouldn't be that long at stereo CD
quality sample, right?

Have *you* exported RSA today? -->

print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>

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