SPA sues C2, other ISPs and users

Steven L Baur steve at
Fri Oct 11 23:39:32 PDT 1996

>>>>> "Greg" == Greg Broiles <gbroiles at> writes:

Greg> Particularly interesting is that they seem to be claiming that a
Greg> *link* to a pirate FTP site is itself infringing (potentially
Greg> contributory infringement).

Yes, at first reading it also seems to forbid things like

I hate being threatened, even if the suggested course of action is one
I do anyway.  I also see the piracy ``problem'' as one of economics.
If their software was really worth what they were trying to charge,
there wouldn't be so much theft of it.

Both sides are scum and it's sad to see people like Sameer caught in
the middle.
steve at baur
Unsolicited commercial e-mail will be billed at $250/message.
What are the last two letters of "doesn't" and "can't"?
Coincidence?  I think not.

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